




1.固执地 optimistic 乐观的 persistently 固执地;坚持地 plug 插;插座 ...

2.坚持地 optimistic 乐观的 persistently 固执地;坚持地 plug 插;插座 ...

3.坚持不懈地 ) invariably 总是,不变地 ) persistently 坚持不懈地,执意地 ) rationally 讲道理地,理性地 ...

4.持续地 ... pkephood 可能性 persistently 坚持地,持续地 1.be subject to: 遭受…… ...

5.一个劲儿 一个个地 individually 一个劲儿 persistently 一个半象限差 sesquiquadrate ...

6.持久稳固的 ... principally adv. 主要地 persistently adj. 持久稳固的 comparatively adv. 比较地, 相当地 ...

7.持久地 ... persist 坚持;固执 persistently 持久地;固执地 personal magnetism 个人魅力 ...


1.Hold regular production meeting once a week persistently, sum up the work done in last week and assign work for next week.坚持每周一次的生产例会,并对上周工作进行总结,同时对下周工作进行布置。

2.Now I know that I cannot pursue a worthy goal steadily and persistently with all the powers of my mind and yet fail.现在我知道,只要我一心一意向一个有价值的目标稳步前进,坚持不懈,就一定不会失败。

3.Bernanke said the Fed had to launch the bond-buying program, given the outlook for weak growth and persistently high unemployment.伯南克表示,鉴于美国目前经济增长疲软,失业率长期居高不下,美联储才出台了购买国债的计划。

4.Both Dr Jablonski and Dr Pagel, then, have found a degree of resolution between opposing ideas by persistently hacking away at the data.捷布朗斯基博士和佩格尔博士都通过对数据的严格分析从而在一定程度上调和了两种对立的观点。

5.These symptoms have to be present persistently for at least two weeks to get the diagnosis.而且这些症状要连续持续至少两个星期以上,才能诊断为抑郁症。

6.China has called persistently for a new form of composite currency to take over from the dollar as the main reserve asset.中国不断呼吁采取新的货币组成形式,以取代美元作为主要储备资产的地位。

7.The country's central bank said the move was necessary to combat persistently high inflation.印度中央银行声称此举对于打压持续的高通货膨胀是有必要的。

8.In a broad sense , the international position of a country's currency will be weaker if it is persistently losing reserves .从广义上讲,如果某一国家不断丧失其储备资产,这个国家的货币的国际地位就会削弱。

9.Obama's efforts to create green jobs are lagging behind expectations at a time of persistently high unemployment.在失业率居高不下的今天,奥巴马为创造绿色岗位作出的努力远不及民众所望。

10.With energy prices persistently low due to a grinding economic recovery, stakes in the power industry have begun to shift.随着能源价格长期偏低,由于经济复苏的研磨,在电力行业的股份已开始转变。