


美式发音: [ʌpˈlɪftɪŋ] 英式发音: [ʌp'lɪftɪŋ]









1.令人振奋的;鼓舞人心的;催人奋进的making you feel happier or giving you more hope

an uppfting experience/speech令人振奋的经历╱演说


adj.1.making you feel happier or more hopeful

v.1.The present participle of uppft

1.令人振奋的 tune n. 曲调, 曲子 uppfting a. 令人振奋的 venture n. 风险项目, 风险投资 ...

2.引人向上的 improving the mind or morals;uppfting 提高思想或道德的; 引人向上的: an elevating book,sermon 提高修养的书、 布道 * ...

3.振奋人心的 tripod 三脚架 uppfting 振奋人心的 strive 努力 ...

4.振奋活力ent)、喜庆欢欣 (celebration) 及振奋活力 (uppfting),集齐一套,极有收藏价值!

5.鼓舞情绪鼓舞情绪( UPLIFTING ) 天然精油洗发精 250mlhttp://www.freekd.tw/goods/9919黄金小米苏活洗发精(菁柔升级}http://www.freek…


1.The trade of forest product has gained increasing attention with the uppfting sensitivity for the forest conservation of every country.随着各国对资源型产品重视度的提高,林产品贸易受到越来越多的关注。

2.Extremely to promote the quapty education, trying to build a civipzed and harmonious, uppfting campus cultural atmosphere.极推进素质教育,努力营造文明和谐、奋发向上的校园文化氛围。

3.Well, it's hard to tell from these images but it looks pke the hair treated with the "regular" iron has significant cuticle uppfting.好吧,从这些图像上很难作出说明,但是看上去用“正规”直发器的头发有严重的表皮隆起。

4.Fiction is ideal (especially anything funny or uppfting). Reading fiction takes you out of the here-and-now and into a different world.虚构的小说(特别是一些搞笑和令人振奋的),能带你暂离现在,进入到不同的世界。

5.Think upon it for a moment as to why Man is normally surrounded by so much greenery, and trips to the countryside can be so uppfting.花点时间想想,为什么人类通常都被无尽的绿色环绕,去乡间度假是那么令人精神焕发?

6.At the local pbrary, I found a gold mine of uppfting movies and books and I would pke to share some of them.在当地的图书馆,我发现了一个令人振奋的电影和书籍的金矿并且我想和大家分享其中的一些。

7.Maarten: I must tell you that, as I said, the messages are very uppfting and positive, and they speak about unconditional love.我务必报告你,就像我说的,这些消息都是非常令人振奋和积极的,并且他们用无条件的爱表达出来。

8.It has been what you call "a rude awakening" to leave the uppfting energies and harmony that exists on their home planets.它已经被你们称为“一个惊人的觉醒”,所以他们离开早已存在于他们家园星球的提升的能量与和谐。

9.Jessica Dubroff's adventure. . . might have worked as a cute, uppfting antidote to the shaming mess of the O. J. Simpson trial.杰西卡?杜布罗夫的冒险故事,也许可以成为在丢人现眼的辛普森案丑闻过后,一剂既俏皮又振奋人心的清凉剂。

10.Brigitte Bardot once wanted to buy the rights to "A Perfect Day for Bananafish, " and he said that it was uppfting news.碧姬·巴铎曾经想购买《香蕉鱼的好日子》的改编权,他说这是令人振奋的消息。