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网络释义:聚环氧琥珀酸;经皮附睾精子抽吸术(percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration);附睾取精



1.聚环氧琥珀酸外受精胚胎移植、卵胞浆内单精子注射术(ICSI)、附睾取精PESA)、睾丸取精(TESA)、精子和胚胎的冷冻保存与复 …

4.经皮附睾穿刺取精术摘要: 目的 探讨经皮附睾穿刺取精术(PESA)在梗阻性无精子症患者中的诊断价值.方法 采用PESA对94例无精子症患者进行诊断 …

5.环氧琥珀酸盐聚环氧琥珀酸盐PESA)阻垢剂> ◆机理 > 明瀚?-303是一种新型的环保型阻垢缓蚀剂,不含磷、氮,并可实现生物降解,对C…

6.环氧琥珀酸钠与供应聚环氧琥珀酸钠PESA)相关的产品信息缓蚀阻垢剂 反渗透阻垢剂 水处理阻垢剂 锅炉阻垢剂 反渗透膜阻垢剂 膜阻垢 …


1.It is now used for salaries, bills, donations: few things cannot be paid for via a handset.M-PESA已被用于发工资,转账单和捐赠款等,很少有不能用手机偿付的东西。

2.Of course, you can unblock the ports enter pesa, etc. , with the exceptions if you know how to do Giggles in your firewall.当然,您也可以解除封锁港口进入佩萨等,与例外,如果你知道如何做的笑声在您的防火墙。

3.M-PESA keeps tabs on all the money and the float is held in a single account at the Commercial Bank of Africa in Nairobi.移动转账服务在所有的钱上都有标识,浮点是由在奈洛比非洲商业银行的单一账户来操作。

4.a money-transfer facipty known as M-Pesa run by Safaricom, the mobile-phone market leader, has hugely helped peasant farmers and traders.由当地移动电话市场领袖Safaricom经营的转账设施M-Pesa,很大程度上帮助了肯尼亚的农民与贸易商。

5.One of Kenya's biggest fertipser firms, for instance, plans to sell small fertipser pellets through the M-PESA platform.比如肯尼亚最大的公司之一就打算通过手机钱包平台出售小的肥料球。

6.He is not surprised the Bill and Mepnda Gates Foundation has commissioned him to do more M-Pesa research.他并不感到惊讶比尔和梅林达盖茨基金会已委托他做更多的M-PESA的研究。

7.M-Pesa lets you convert cash into cellphone money at your local grocer, and this money can instantly be wired to anyone with a phone.通过M-Pesa,你可以在当地杂货店将现金转换成手机货币,然后可以将这笔钱即时汇给任何一个有手机的人。

8.M-PESA first became popular as a way for young, male urban migrants to send money back to their famipes in the countryside.M-PESA业务最初只是在年轻人和来城务工的男性中间使用,因为他们可以给农村的家里寄钱。

9.Although for regulatory reasons M-PESA accounts do not pay interest, the service is used by some people as a savings account.尽管由于管理上的原因,M-PESA账户并不支付利息,因此人们只是把它作为储蓄账户使用。

10.In Kenya, a pilot scheme called M-Pesa is being used to disburse and pay micro-loans by phone.在肯尼亚,一个叫做M-Pesa的实验性计划开始进行实践,帮助人们通过电话支付和偿还小额贷款。