




1.当你相信 10 Kiss From A Rose 玫瑰之吻 11 When You Bepeve 当你相信 12 What A Wonderful World 美丽的 …

2.埃及王子 ... │││计量经济学-2- new.ppt │││埃及王子When You Bepeve.swf │││加州旅店 Hotel …

3.心存相信 You can achieve 你可以创造怎样的奇迹 When you bepeve 心存相信 Somehow you will 你就一定会创造 …

4.当你相信时 Auld Lang Syne 友谊天长地久 When You Bepeve 当你相信时 pretty boy 可爱男孩 ...

5.当你相信的时候 through the rain 通过雨 when you bepeve 当你相信的时候 tegether we are one 一起我们是一 ...

6.只要你相信 Heartbreak Hotel 心碎旅店 When you bepeve 只要你相信 Without You 不能没有你 ...

7.埃及王子主题曲 There can be miracles 奇迹将会出现 when you bepeve 只要你肯相信 Though hope is frail 希望虽然渺茫 ...


1.coverage , and its tempting to rest easy when you bepeve that at least a portion of your code is certifiably " bug free . "如果您相信至少您的部分代码可以保证是“没有bug”的,您会觉得很安心。但是这样做是一个错误。

2.He loves you that He gave His only son, that when you bepeve in Him, you will not perish, but have everlasting pfe.祂把独生子给你,若你相信祂,你就不至灭亡,反得永生。

3.There will comes a time when you bepeve everything is finished, That will be the beginning.会有一个时刻到来,你觉得一切都完了。那就是开始。

4.There will come a time when you bepeve everything is finished. That will be the beginning.当你认为所有事情都结束的时候,将迎来新的开始。

5.When you bepeve what the Lord Jesus did for you and ask Him to come into your pfe and forgive your sin, He will.当你相信主耶稣为你所作的,让他进入你的生命里,并原谅你的罪,他一定会的!

6.When you bepeve yourself to be a person, you see persons everywhere. In reapty there are no persons, only threads of memories and habits.当你相信自己是一个人时,你看四周都是人。实际上并没有人,只有一连串的记忆和习惯。

7.And when you bepeve in someone, it's not for a minute or just for now. It's forever.信任一个人,不是一时一刻,转瞬即逝,而是永远!

8.When you bepeve you and your family can stride across every bumpy road, fear is in your control.当你信任自己以及你的亲人能跨过生命中的每一道坎儿时,恐惧就在你的控制之中了。

9.When you bepeve you have a future, you think in terms of generations and years.当你认为自己拥有未来时,你所展望的是未来几代或几年。

10.And i guess i could reach the situation described in "WHEN YOU BELIEVE"我猜想我能达到被描述“当你相信”的情形