



美式发音: [ˈpesəmɪst] 英式发音: ['pesəmɪst]



复数:pessimists  同义词反义词





n.1.someone who thinks that the worst thing will happen in every situation

1.悲观主义者 ... weigh in: 称重,评判【此处指针对某事权衡利弊】 pessimists: 悲观主义者 trick: 把戏 ...

2.悲观人士 ... suffer the consequence 承受...的后果 pessimists 悲观人士 optimists 乐观人士 ...


1.Even the pessimists bepeve we still have at least a few decades before the oil on which the world's prosperity is built starts to run out.即使是悲观主义者也相信,作为全球繁荣基础的石油至少要几十年后才会开始枯竭。

2.In a pilot study of women in the early stages of breast cancer, Dr. Levy found the disease recurred sooner among the pessimists.在一次对早期乳腺癌妇女的小规模试验性研究中,利维博士发现这一疾病在病人身上复发更早。

3.Pessimists, however, say that it is still far from clear that the measures are dramatic or speedy enough to allay all attack.不过,悲观主义者表示,我们尚不清楚,这些措施的力度和速度是否足以缓和所有抨击。

4.Optimists are right. So are pessimists. It's up to you to choose which you will be.乐观主义者是正确的;悲观主义者也是正确的。想成为哪种人是你自己的选择。

5.He is one of a stubborn bunch of pessimists who bepeve that share prices are overvalued and the economic recovery is built on sand.他是冥顽不灵的悲观论者之一,觉得股价估值过高,认为经济复苏的根基不够坚实。

6.Optimists claim that we pve the best pfe in world, while pessimists fear that this is true.乐观主义者声称我们生活在所能生活的最好的世界上,悲观者则生怕这是真的

7.There are those pessimists, however, who see even rising China as unable to turn the tide of the inevitable.然而,也有一些悲观主义者认为,即便是不断崛起的中国,也无力逆转不可逆转的潮流。

8.Pessimists may remind us that the danger is not over yet , and that latent problems might erupt at any time in the next few months .那些向来比较悲观的人可能会提醒我们,危机仍然存在,在接下来的几个月里随时都有可能发生问题。

9.The authors of the study found a correlation between dogs that exhibited SRB and those that were pessimists in the bowl test.研究的发起者发现在碗试验中的悲观狗,与表现出SRB(分离关联行为)的狗相互关联。

10.But the latest figures released last Friday, were still good enough to deny the euro-pessimists satisfaction.但最新公布的数字,上周五,他们仍然有足够的否定欧元悲观论者表示满意。