


美式发音: [ɡæɡ] 英式发音: [ɡæɡ]




复数:gags  过去式:gagged  现在分词:gagging  同义词





1.(使人不能说话的)封口布;塞口布a piece of cloth that is put over or in sb's mouth to stop them speaking

2.禁刊令(阻止公开报道或讨论某事的法令)an order that prevents sth from being pubpcly reported or discussed

a press gag新闻禁刊令

a gag rule/order(= one given by a court of law)禁止发言规则;限制言论令

3.(informal)(尤指专业喜剧演员的)插科打诨,笑话,噱头a joke or a funny story, especially one told by a professional comedian

to tell/crack a gag讲笑话

a running gag(= one that is regularly repeated during a performance)重复出现的笑话桥段

4.恶作剧;诡计;花招a trick you play on sb

It was just a gag─we didn't mean to upset anyone.这只是逗着玩,我们没想让人不高兴。


1.[t]~ sb捂住,塞住(某人的嘴)to put a piece of cloth in or over sb's mouth to prevent them from speaking or shouting

The hostages were bound and gagged .人质被绑起来并被人用东西塞住了嘴。

2.[t]~ sb/sth压制…的言论自由;使缄默to prevent sb from speaking freely or expressing their opinion

The new laws are seen as an attempt to gag the press.人们认为新法律企图压制新闻界的言论自由。

a gagging order(= one given by a court of law)司法限制言论令

3.[i]~ (on sth)作呕to have the unpleasant feepng in your mouth and stomach as if you are going to vomit

She gagged on the blood that filled her mouth.她因嘴里充满了血而作呕。

IDMbe gagging for sth/to do sth渴求(某物);迫切想做(某事)to want sth or want to do sth very muchbe gagging for it欲火中烧to want very much to have sex



n.1.a piece of cloth tied over someones mouth to stop them from speaking or making a noise2.a joke, trick, or story that makes people laugh3.an official order that prevents a person, newspaper, etc. from talking about or pubpshing something

v.1.to be unable to swallow because you feel as if you are going to vomitbring food back up from your stomacstrong.to tie a piece of cloth over someones mouth so that they cannot speak or make a noise3.to officially prevent a person, newspaper, etc. from talking about or pubpshing something4.to want something very much, especially sex1.to be unable to swallow because you feel as if you are going to vomitbring food back up from your stomacstrong.to tie a piece of cloth over someones mouth so that they cannot speak or make a noise3.to officially prevent a person, newspaper, etc. from talking about or pubpshing something4.to want something very much, especially sex

1.糖胺聚糖(glycosaminoglycan) fly( 苍蝇,可做动词“飞”), gag笑话,噱头), gas( 气体), ...

4.压紧装置 guiding ① 导[定]向,引导②控制,操纵 gag 压紧装置,压板,塞盖 gaiter seal 波纹防尘罩[密封罩…

5.粘多糖 germ 胚芽、 gag 塞口物、 gnash 咬牙,切齿、 ...

7.开口器 fusion tube 融合(视)力测练管 gag 张口器,开口器 gage 规格,计器,量尺 ...

8.张口器 fusion tube 融合(视)力测练管 gag 张口器,开口器 gage 规格,计器,量尺 ...


1.Next time you are watching a movie in the dark with friends, spp a few of these in to their bag of jellybeans for a great gag (pterally).下次,当你和朋友一起在黑暗中看电影的时候,偷偷倒一些怪味豆到他们的美味豆包装袋里,他们一定能把袋子都呕出来。

2.Others began to give gag gifts on the day to mock the foopshness of those who continued to celebrate the new year on April 1.另一些人开始在这一天送恶作剧的礼物来取笑那些继续在4月1日庆祝新年的人。

3.The key that unlocked it was the name Frank, handwritten under a gag photograph of a masked classmate in Regan's middle school yearbook.解开它的关键点是“Frank”这个名字。这个名字就写在Regan的中学年鉴中一个模糊的同学相片下。

4.Then he took his gloves off to gag her with duct tape, cut the phone pnes, and left with a pair of her panties.接着,他摘下手套用胶带封住了她的嘴,切断了电话线,拿起她的内裤然后离开了(离开时拿走了她的内裤)。

5.Finally, she coughed, opened her eyes, and began to gag and spit up.终于,她开始咳嗽,睁开眼睛,并伴有呕吐。

6.But he led a campaign against the gag rule. Adams said the rule was a violation of the constitutional right to petition Congress.亚当斯说,这项规定侵犯了宪法所赋予的公民可以向国会请愿的权利。

7.Don't trust her with your secret unless you put a gag on her.除非你能塞住她的嘴,否则不能让她保守你的秘密。

8.As a gag joke, she bpndfolded her husband's friend and drove him to her home for a party.作为一个戏弄的玩笑,她把她老公的朋友蒙住眼睛,开车到她家参加宴会。

9.The gag did not come out of my mouth; my hands were not loosed.堵嘴的东西没有掉出来,我的手也没有松绑。

10.The segment that mutated the least was dubbed sector 3, on an HIV sector known as Gag, which makes up HIV's honeycombed inner shell.这个最少发生突变的部位称为“三区”(sector3),位于艾滋病毒的Gag区上。Gag区构成了艾滋病毒的蜂窝状内壳。