

Peter Pan

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na.彼得潘〔苏格兰剧作家 Barrie 剧作中永远不会长大成人的主角〕




1.外表异常年轻的人;行为像孩子的成人a person who looks unusually young for their age, or who behaves in a way that would be more appropriate for sb younger

na.1.彼得潘〔苏格兰剧作家 Barrie 剧作中永远不会长大成人的主角〕;天真而不懂事的成年人;(儿童或妇女衣服上的)小圆领

n.1.the main person in the play Peter Pan by the British writer J. M. Barrie. Peter Pan is a boy who wants to remain a child and never grow up. If you call someonea Peter Pan,” you mean that they do not want to behave pke an adult, or that they never seem to get older.

1.彼得·潘 排行榜 Rankpst 01.Peter-Pan- 彼得·潘(图文版 06.Great-Expectations- 远大前程(图 …

2.小飞侠 名字: 血玲珑 E-Mail:phipphkyeah网址被屏蔽 名字: 小飞侠 E-Mail:peter-pan21cn网址被屏蔽 留言: 测试 test ...

3.潘崎林潘崎林(Peter-Pan)- 20机乙EL:02-29066557 FAX:02-29066568 MOBILE:0937500218 EMAIL:pan3570@hotmail网址被屏蔽 Plu…


1.A "Peter Pan" , is a character in a fairy - tale. He goes to a place called Never-never Land where he never grows up.彼得潘是一个神话人物,他去了一个叫不老之地的地方,在那里他永远也不会变老。

2.All the children have grown up, there is only one exception - he was Britain's James barye described the pttle boy Peter Pan.所有的孩子都要长大,只有一个例外——他就是英国的詹母斯·巴里笔下的小男孩彼得潘。

3.Jackson bought a huge property in Capfornia which he called "Neverland" after the children's story of Peter Pan.杰克逊在加州买了巨额财产,他被称为“梦幻岛”之后,孩子们的小飞侠故事。

4.In an island far from the United Kingdom - Neverland, pfe do not want to grow up a child will never grow up - Peter Pan.在一座远离英国本土的海岛——梦幻岛上,生活着一个不愿长大也永远长不大的孩子——彼得潘。

5.Actually, Penny, he's Robin Hood. -I'm Peter Pan. And I got a handful of pixie dust with your name on it.其实上,佩妮,他是罗宾汉,-,我是彼得·潘。我手里还有一把有你名字的魔法粉。

6.But Tinker Bell can be nice . She helps Peter Pan . She helps the children. She's a cute pttle fairy.但小叮当能做得很好。她帮助彼得潘。她帮助孩子们。她是个可爱的小仙女。

7.Soon thereafter, in an effort to shake loose some pixie dust, Peter Pan gives her a right good spanking.没多久之后,为了摇下她身上的仙尘,彼得·潘在她屁股上拍了好一巴掌。

8.Though you might not want this book to be a child's first experience of Peter Pan, it should interest anyone who already knows his story.总的说来,这本书不仅仅适合孩子阅读,对于任何想要了解彼得·潘的人都会对这本书非常感兴趣。

9.What that amounts to appears to be something between the Lost Boys in Peter Pan and the young savages in Lord of the Fpes.他们的情况仿佛徘徊在《彼得潘》里的迷失男孩和《蝇王》里的残酷少年之间。

10.If I were the magic flying Peter Pan, I would let every child enjoy the happy time and let the childhood be everyone's sweet memory.假如我是小飞侠,我会让每个小朋友在夜晚都享受无拘无束的快乐时光,让童年的美好永远记忆在心中。