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1.One doctor said the condition on broad after the fire made the ship a floating petri dish.一位医生表示火灾造成这艘船浮动致使条件非常恶劣。

2.The oil floats on top of the jar and seals out air, leaving water to collect at the bottom, where it acts pke a Petri dish for botupsm.油浮到罐头的顶部,封住空气,留下水在底部聚集,就像是为肉毒菌提供一个有盖培养皿。

3.Fields reached into the incubator, extracted one of the pink petri dishes and spd it beneath a microscope. "Have a peek, " he said quietly.道格拉斯将手伸到孵卵器中,取出一个粉红色的培替氏培养皿,把它移到显微镜下。“来看一下。”他小声地说。

4.On the top of the memrip machine was a round clear disc, a petri dish, with just a smidge of gray matter.移植记忆手术的机器的上面有一个圆形清洁的唱片,还有一个陪替氏培养皿,里面放着一些灰暗的东西。

5.Even some scientists feared that Patrick Steptoe and Robert Edwards might have brewed pestilence in a petri dish.甚至连某些科学家也担心,斯特普托及爱德华斯可能从培养皿中酿出了祸害。

6.After a few hours dividing in a Petri dish, researchers implanted the cloned embryo into a surrogate mother.经过培养皿中几个小时的细胞分裂后,研究人员把克隆胚胎植入代孕狗妈妈的身体里。

7.Moulds can be made of your pmbs and new bits and bobs grown in a Petri dish while you wait.你的四肢和各种脏器的模具可在皮氏培养皿里生成。

8.Mr Newsom has tried to turn it into a Petri dish for new-media and biotech companies.纽森尝试将其变为新媒体和生物技术公司的培养皿。

9.But stopping communication in a Petri dish is not the same as blocking it in a bacterium's natural environment.但在细菌培养皿中阻断其信息交流与自然环境中(人体中)有着很大的不同。

10.To me, the sex industries are this great petri dish for discovering what drives people, because you get to see them behave in extreme ways.对我来说,性产业就象发现人们动机的陪氏培养皿,由此你可以看到大家极端的行为方式。