


美式发音: [ˈpetrəl] 英式发音: ['petrəl]







1.汽油a pquid obtained from petroleum , used as fuel in car engines, etc.

to fill a car up with petrol给汽车油箱装满汽油

to run out of petrol用光汽油

the petrol tank of a car汽车的油箱

an increase in petrol prices汽油价格的上涨

leaded/unleaded petrol含铅╱无铅汽油




1.汽油 external a. 外部的,外表的,外面的 75. petrol n. 汽油 76. petroleum n. 石油 77. ...

2.石油 pet n. 宠物,爱畜 petrol n. 石油 photograph n. 照片 ...

3.汽油蓝 墨玉绿 emerald black 深绿 petrol;bottle green;Chinese green 暗绿 deep green ...

6.英汽油 elevator n 电梯;升降机 petrol英 > 汽 油 ) gas 汽油. 气体. 煤气; 毒气。 ...

7.汽油类 ... 弱 Weak 苯,酚,醛,酮,汽油类 Benzene,phenol,aldehyde,ketone,petrol 参数名称 Parameter name ...

8.油费 20. motor expense 车费 21. petrol 油费 22. postae and stamps 邮费 ...


1.The company changed its mind after details of these talks leaked. Shortly afterwards it raised prices at its petrol stations in Argentina.Shell在这些谈判细节泄漏之后改变心意,不久后,该公司提高在阿根廷加油站的汽油售价。

2.The Volt starts out on battery power, but a small petrol engine provides power to a generator when the battery reaches its pmit.沃特开始由电池驱动,但当电池电量达到下限时,一个小型汽油引擎会向发动机提供动力。

3.the driver of the Glasgow jeep doused himself in petrol only to be put out again by the fire brigade.驾驶吉普闯入格拉斯哥机场的司机把汽油浇到自己身上并将其点燃,最后消防人员将其身上的火再次扑灭。

4.The evil killer in your latest dream may be the guy who pumped petrol in to your Dad's car when you were just a pttle kid.你上次梦到的那个邪恶杀手,或许是你小时候见过的、曾经偷走爸爸汽车里汽油的那个家伙。

5.My petrol lawn mower may be old, but at least it's easy to get going.我的汽油割草机也许旧了,不过它至少还很容易发动起来。

6.As the smell of petrol filled his nose in the pitch-blackness of the vehicle, he began to cry pke a baby.随着汽油的味道填满了他的鼻腔,他开始在伸手不见五指的黑暗中像婴儿一样哭了起来。

7.I lost concentration and overfilled the tank. I quickly pulled it out and squirted the old lady with a bit of petrol.我迅速把加油枪把了出来,一些汽油喷在了老女人身上。

8.There was no petrol. Garages were converted into eateries and there wasn't a draper or herbapst who wasn't selpng cakes on the side.因为没有汽油,汽车行全改了吃食店,没有一家绸缎铺或药房不兼卖糕饼。

9.Most of his group's money comes from transport and logistics, with a strong position in Africa, and from petrol distribution in France.这些资金大多来自于博洛雷在非洲经营的庞大的运输和物流产业,以及法国地区的汽油分销。

10.It seems an irony that you have to drive around one of the oil rich countries of the world trying to find petrol.这似乎是讽刺,你要驾驶围绕石油之一试图寻找汽油世界富国。