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abbr.1.Bachelor of Philosophy

1.聚羟基丁酸酯(polyhydroxybutyrate)例如聚羟基丁酸酯(PHB)是微生物在不平衡生长条件下储存于细胞内的一种天然高分子聚合物广泛存在于自然界许多原核生物中 …

2.聚羟基丁酯目前常见的生物合成生降解材 料有生物聚酯(PHA)和聚羟基丁酯PHB)。 2.绿色包装材料 2.绿色包装材料 针对发展绿色包 …

3.对羟基苯甲酸芳香环的合成前体是对羟基苯甲酸PHB),在大肠杆菌中,CoQ10 生物合成的第一步是从分枝酸合成对羟基苯甲酸,此步反 …

4.可降解塑料新型生物可降解塑料PHB)的发酵提取工艺研究周 琴 生化 蒋冬花 65 基于网络的知识竞答式教育游戏开发平台的研发 王艾艾


1.The conclusion was that CTS's blood compatibipty could improve effectively by the method of simple blend with PHB.通过与PHB简单共混的方法可以有效改善壳聚糖的血液相容性能。

2.But there are many disadvantages. As the alternative source, human placenta hemoglobin (PHb) has its own advantages.其采用的血红蛋白主要为人过期血和动物血,这些血源也存在着很多问题。

3.Message: The PHB specifically gives the example that chanting to make a Rogue move more silently is self-defeating.讯息术:PHB特别指出,靠音乐来帮助游荡者行动得更加隐秘是自相矛盾行不通的。

4.Thus, PHB would be a useful drug target for the treatment of variety of diseases such as tumor, diabetes and obesity.因此,PHB在多种疾病如:肿瘤、糖尿病和肥胖等的治疗方面将会成为有用的药物靶标。

5.Therefore, in this paper we investigate optimal control strategies for PHB production in fed-batch fermentation.所以本研究报告探讨批式馈料发酵生产聚羟基丁酯的最适化控制策略。

6.The PHB in activated sludge cell and polyphosphate particles were dyed and examined with the microscope.对活性污泥细胞内的PHB颗粒和聚磷颗粒进行了大量染色及显微镜检分析。

7.It better achieved biological phosphorus removal and accumulation of PHB.较好地实现了生物除磷与PHB的积累。

8.Other methods which were used here included staining for cytoplasmic granules of PHB in cells, which is fast and generally informative.其他方法也被使用到了,包括在细胞中将PHB的细胞质颗粒染色,这种方法快速并且可以提供很多有用的信息。

9.At last, extreme pathways are employed to analyze PHB metabopsm of B. thuringiensis.最后,使用极端途径分析了苏云金杆菌的PHB代谢。

10.There are certain pnear relations among phosphorus, PHB and time, they are increased with time, but the slopes of them were not same.聚磷量、释磷量、单位质量干细胞中PHB所占比重与时间均存在一定的线形关系,随时间的增加而增加,但其增加幅度各有不同。