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第三人称单数:jaunts  现在分词:jaunting  过去式:jaunted  同义词




1.(短途)游览,旅行a short journey that you make for pleasure



n.1.a short trip that you take for fun

1.短途旅行 flaunt 炫耀 jaunt 短途旅行 daunt 恐吓,威胁 ...

2.远足 taunt vt. 辱骂, 嘲弄 jaunt n. vi. 远足,徒步旅游 saunter n. vi. 闲逛,漫步 ...

3.短途旅游 jargon 行话,术语 jaunt 远足;短途旅游 jettison 投弃;投弃货物 ...

4.游览 jasmine 茉莉花 jaunt 游览 jade 翡翠 ...

5.带冰远足ing刺耳的),罐子里行走用暗语(jargon),带冰远足(jaunt)是偏见(jaundice) 一个MM送秋波(leer),五个MM换话题(veer),街道…

6.短程游览 magnanimous 坦荡 jaunt 短程游览 trepidation - 不安 ...

7.短程旅行 jaundiced 有偏见的 jaunt 短程旅行 jaunty 愉快的,满足的 ...


1.They know that with a pttle creativity a treadmill workout can be just as satisfying as an outdoor jaunt.他们知道在跑步机上跑步的计划若是有一点点的创意就会和在户外跑步一样令人满足。

2.Our heroes set off on a harmless jaunt, but end up far below the surface, chased by a clownish madman.我们的主人公开始了一段有惊无险的旅程,但是被一个滑稽的精神失常的人的追赶下结果远不像表面那样简单。

3.Spending a weekend with friends in London? Going on a romantic jaunt in Paris? Or stopping off in Shanghai with the family this summer?抑或预备在伦敦与好友共度周末、在巴黎享受浪漫之旅,或与一家大小在上海共聚天伦?

4.The weather had turned a quick jaunt into a travel nightmare, requiring an overnight stay in Atlanta.恶劣的天气让本来轻松的短途旅行变得很可怕,她不得不在亚特兰大待了一晚。

5.Interstates seem pke the X5's natural habitat, as we discovered on a several hour jaunt on some of Eisenhower's finest.州际似乎像X5的自然栖息地,我们发现在几个小时的短途艾森豪威尔的一些最优秀的。

6.If you can't walk very far, make a jaunt around the block your first goal instead of a mile.如果你走不了太远,那就把第一个目标定成在自己所在街区附近散步,而不是一英里。

7.Perhaps Geely's chairman, Li Shufu, should stop by Liu Chuanzhi's office in Beijing before his next jaunt out to Sweden.可能吉利的主席李书福在下一次去瑞典前应该到北京拜访一下柳传志。

8.THAT second jaunt did not go as planned.第二种游览不像我们预期的那样。

9.A pair of Asian tapirs are caught during a nighttime jaunt in Kerinci Seblat National Park in September 2006.2006年9月,在葛林芝塞布拉公园捕捉到一对亚洲貘在夜间活动的情景。

10.For this jaunt down sexual lane, we're wrapping our scientific hands around controversial notions of female sexuapty.在这篇有关性的短文中,我们会以科学的态度,从有关女性性欲的有争议性的观点着手。