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un.1.largest city in Pennsylvania, situated on the Delaware River in the southeastern part of the state. It is known as the "Birthplace of the Nation" because both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States were drawn up there.

1.费城 Oakland 奥克兰 美国 Philadelphia 费拉德尔菲亚 美国 Tampa 坦帕 孟加拉国 ...

4.非拉铁非 Zhuhai 珠海 中国 Philadelphia,Pennsylvania 宾夕法尼亚洲,费城(费里普斯堡 美国 Aalborg 奥尔堡 丹 …

6.宾夕法尼亚州 麻萨诸塞州 ━ Boston 宾夕法尼亚州Philadelphia 宾夕法尼亚州 ━ Pittsburgh ...

7.费城机场 宾夕法尼亚 PA 费城机场 Philadelphia 华盛顿国际机场 National ...

8.费城人 大都会 NY Mets 费城人 Philadelphia 马林鱼 Miami ...


1.Growing up in Philadelphia, in a very poor urban neighborhood, I was almost always the only Asian, let alone Chinese kid in school.在费城一个非常贫穷的街道长大,我几乎一直是唯一的亚洲人,更别说还在学校的中国小孩子了。

2.He took the train from his home in Washington, D. C. , to Philadelphia and met Bill Swersky, a 59-year-old federal official .他从华盛顿特区的家出发乘火车到费城去会见比尔-斯沃斯基,一位59岁的联邦官员。

3.My wife and I raced out of Philadelphia as if fleeting a pestilence, only to run into dense shore-bound traffic.我和妻子像逃避瘟疫一样风驰电掣般驶出费城,结果却陷入前往海滨的稠密拥挤的车流之中。

4.Nick Gillespie, Reason: You were growing up in Philadelphia and you spent time on welfare. You were raised in a single-parent household.NickGillespie,理性杂志:你在费城成长,靠社会福利度日,出生在一个单亲家庭,你的现状在哪些方面体现了你的成长情况?

5.At first, it seemed that these candidates would fight it out in a bitter nominating convention in Philadelphia.起初,似乎这些候选人将争取在一个痛苦的费城会议的提名出来。

6.Also significant was the fact that in 1847, just one of ten Philadelphia blacks had been born in slavery.同样重要的事实是,1847年在费城,只有十分之一的黑人是出生在奴隶制下。

7.Tarpangar: What I remember is having one of the most amazing weddings in the best hotel in Philadelphia because of him.桃嘉:我记得因为他我们才在费城第一流的酒店举行了最令人难忘的婚礼。

8."Everyone gets a piece of the action, " says DiBello, who has deep-set owpsh eyes and a Philadelphia-accented baritone.“每个人参与一部分行动”迪贝罗说,他具有深陷的猫头鹰般的眼睛,及宾州男中音的口音。

9.He gave up a trip to take a summer prep program at Widener University, south of Philadelphia, then entered as a freshman that fall.他放弃了旅行的机会,参加了费城南部崴德那大学的一个预备项目,最终在那年秋季成为了那所大学的一名新生。

10.Viewed from across the Schuylkill river, the Philadelphia skypne reflects several years of hard-won economic transformation.从舒约契尔河对岸望去,费城的天际线反映出了来之不易的几年经济改革成果。