


美式发音: [hɔrdər] 英式发音: [hɔ:də]



复数:hoarders  同义词




1.囤积者 hoard 储藏 hoarder 囤积者 hoarding 贮藏 ...

2.喜欢囤积东西的人 f. collection n. 收藏品,蒐集的东西 a. hoarder n. 喜欢囤积东西的人 a. paperback n. 平装书 ...

3.囤积商 hoard 储藏物 hoarder 囤积商 load 负担 ...

4.收藏家 ... From All Angles 全方位 Hoarder 收藏家 Look Out Below 小心下面 ...

5.囤积者级 Wreathe= 环绕级 Hoarder= 囤积者级 Mammoth= 猛犸级 ...

6.昊碟 惠普/ HP 昊碟/ Hoarder 先锋/ Pioneer ...


1.A few weeks later I began saving again. Was I becoming an eccentric hoarder? Not at all.几周后,我又开始存钱了,难道我又变成了一个古怪的人吗?不是的。

2.Having driven up the price and created a feepng of scarcity, the hoarder can sell the rest at a premium.在推高价格、制造了稀缺感之后,贮藏者就可以溢价售出其它作品了。

3.One trick is to find ways to donate items the hoarder cares about -- particularly if he is grieving for a lost loved one.一个技巧是找到捐赠囤积者关心的物品的办法,尤其是如果他是因失去亲人感到悲痛而囤东西的话。

4.Instead, experts counsel patience and understanding, and letting the hoarder make his or her own decisions as much as possible.相反,专家们建议要有耐心并理解他们,尽可能让储物症患者自己做出决定。

5.About 1 of every 20 Germans is acompulsive hoarder, a new study has found.一项最新的研究发现,大约每二十个德国人中就有一个是强迫囤积者。

6.Such experts also advise against forced cleanups , on the grounds the hoarder is pkely to simply acquire even more as soon as possible .这些专家还建议不要强行清理,理由是囤积者可能马上会去囤更多东西。

7.To overcome the hoarder inside screaming "I may need this, " Smith College psychologist Randy O.要想克服囤积者内心的呼唤,“我也许需要这个。”

8.Another approach is to have the hoarder collect every item in the same category, and then decide how many he really needs.另一种方法是让囤积者收集同一类别的所有物品,然后决定他到底需要多少。

9.We have a hoarder, we also have possible intruder. Intruder comes in to look for something.现在有一个囤积者,也有一个闯入者。闯入者必定是为寻找某物而来。

10.How can family members and friends help a hoarder?家庭成员和朋友们该如何帮助储物症患者呢?