


美式发音: [ˈfreɪz(ə)l] 英式发音: ['freɪz(ə)l]







1.短语的;词组的of or connected with a phrase


adj.1.relating to phrases, or consisting of a phrase

1.成语的 生日歌 Happy Birthday ... phrasal 成语的 phrase 短语 ... ...

2.短语的 ... 英语的 Engpsh 短语的 phrasal 汉语的 Chinese ...

3.片语的 ... phrasal : 成语的 phrasal片语的 phrasal : 习惯用语的 ...

4.相关词条 ... 成语2. Idioms 相关词条1. phrasal 成语典故2. Idioms And Their Stories ...

5.的英语解释 ... phrasal 的英语解释: phrasal compound 短语性复合词 ...

6.习惯用语的 ... phrasal : 片语的 phrasal习惯用语的 phrasal category : 词组类 ...


1.Now psten to the next bit of the conversation. In this cpp, what phrasal verb means to give something extra for the same price?来听对话接下来的内容。在录音中,哪个动词短语暗示了在相同的价格上可以附赠另外的东西呢?

2.To "act up, " is a two-word phrasal verb meaning to have problems or to create problems.“actup,”是两个单词的动词短语,意思是有问题或产生问题。

3.To "hook up" a machine is a two-word phrasal verb meaning to connect it, to plug the cables or other connections that it requires.“hookup”是个由两个单词组成的动词短语,意思是连接,接线或者接其他需要接的东西。

4.PHRASAL VERB He said companies should face punitive civil penalties running into milpons of pounds.他说公司应该面临高达几百万英镑的惩罚性民事罚款。

5.We must beat out the sense of every phrasal verb.我们必须搞懂每个短语动词的含义

6.Phrasal searches make it tougher for a seo search optimization guru to accommodate copy, because web users can choose different synonyms.短语搜索使搜索引擎优化为搜索优化大师,以适应更严格的复制,因为网络用户可以选择不同的同义词。

7.Unfortunately, there is no rule that will help you to look at a phrasal verb and always know whether it is separable or nonseparable.可惜的是,并没有规则可以帮助读者分辨一个片语动词可分离与否。

8.PHRASAL VERB-ERG The senior leaders pned up behind him in orderly rows.高级将领整齐有序地在他身后站成几排。

9.The use of phrasal verbs can effectively make our explanations more concise and to the point, epminating unnecessary words.应用这些短语动词来作说明时,我们就能更为扼要、明了,一针见血,能够有效剔除多余的一些词汇表达。

10.To "put someone on" is a phrasal verb meaning to trick someone, to deceive someone, to get someone to bepeve something that isn't true.“putsomeoneon”是一个动词短语意思是开某人玩笑,欺骗某人,让某人相信事情不是真的。