




1.钻石 ... 班杜 Bandu 钻石 Phet 孟加拉湾02 BOB 02 ...

2.互动式教学 ... 5.Free Sound Project 音效资源简介 1.PhET 互动式教学 2.U.S. Fish and Wildpfe Services 美国渔业暨野生动物局 ...

3.菲特 Copn 柯林 Phet 菲特 Wilma 威尔马 ...

4.的应用 2-2 Stellarium 的安装 2-3 phet 的应用 3-1-1 GE Profile- 制作地形剖面图 ...

5.姻缘羊溢 CHING CHOK 壁虎 PHET 姻缘羊溢 GANESHA 象财神 ...

6.物理 National Science Digital Library 数位图书馆 PhET 物理 (中文网页) Seeing Math 数学 ...

7.隔着 ... phdw 平易 phet 隔着 phf 牖 ...

8.必翔电能 ... 智弘( JHT) 必翔电能( PHET) 能元科技( E-ONE) ...


1.After making landfall in Oman, Phet dissipated somewhat, but remained organized enough to move back over the Arabian Sea toward Pakistan.在阿曼登陆后,“钻石”略有减弱,但仍保持力量再次经阿拉伯海向巴基斯坦方向移动。

2.In its northward trek over the Arabian Sea, Cyclone Phet gave Oman a glancing blow, cutting across the northeast edge of the country.沿阿拉伯海缓慢北上的过程中,“钻石”侧面袭击了阿曼,从阿曼的东北部穿过。

3.According to news reports, Phet flooded Oman's capital city, Masqat, but had not caused any casualties as of June 4.据新闻报道,6月4日“钻石”使阿曼首都马斯喀特洪水泛滥,所幸尚未造成人员伤亡。

4.Phet reached its greatest intensity off the coast of Oman on June 3.6月3日,“钻石”在阿曼沿海达到最大强度。

5.Agence France-Prese reported that Phet caused 15 deaths in Oman and four more deaths in Pakistan.法新社报道说“钻石”在阿曼造成15人死亡,在巴基斯坦死亡数字提高到19人。

6.Where can I get the source code for the PhET simulations?我从哪里可以获得PhET模拟的源代码呢?

7.PhET simulations animate what is invisible to the eye, such as atoms, electrons, photons and electric fields.PhET模拟动画是肉眼看不到的,例如原子、电子、光子和电场。