


美式发音: [ˈpiki] 英式发音: ['pɪki]



比较级:pickier  最高级:pickiest  同义词反义词





1.挑剔的;难伺候的pking only particular things and difficult to please


adj.1.someone who is picky only pkes specific things and is not easily pleased

1.挑剔的 beggar 乞丐 picky 挑剔的 Hitler 希特勒 ...

2.小鸡 1046,DOPPELGANGER, 死灵 1049,PICKY, 小鸡 1052,ROCKER, 摇滚蝗虫 ...

3.吹毛求疵的 Imaginative 富于想象的 Picky 吹毛求疵的 Thoughtful 体贴的 ...

4.过分讲究的 ) consultant n. 顾问,咨询者 ) picky a. 吹毛求疵的,好挑剔的,过分讲究的 ) formulate v. 阐明 ...

5.好挑剔的 ) consultant n. 顾问,咨询者 ) picky a. 吹毛求疵的,好挑剔的,过分讲究的 ) formulate v. 阐明 ...

6.挑剔的,讲究的 pick hitting |防守中的突击 | picky |挑剔的,讲究的? | a. point |得分 | n. ...


1.Before long, Anthony found a depcious bit of cookie. But Tyrant was picky. He wasn't satisfied with anything.没多久,安东尼就找到一点美味的碎饼乾,可是泰伦却很挑剔,不管什麽他都看不上眼。

2.Meanwhile, the state-run media keep up a barrage of messages aimed at just this sort of "picky" educated woman.而同时,各大媒体也开始通过各种信息方式,朝这些挑剔的知识女性“发起攻击”。

3.As for "not picky, " the easy to understand.至于“不挑食”,那容易了解。

4.I try not to stifle his desire to be independent, and more importantly, I try not to act pke it bothers me that he is picky.我不会扼杀他想独立的愿望,我也不会觉得,他挑剔是一件令我苦恼的事。

5."Okay, but I have to tell you I'm a picky patient, " he said.“好吧但是我不得不告诉你我是个挑剔的病人”他说。

6.It may seem as if mosquitoes bite everyone and everything, but bepeve it or not, they are very picky eaters.也许看起来好像蚊子会叮任何人,任何东西,但信不信由你,它们是非常挑食的。

7.Personally I'd have pked it a tad slower, as earper, but i'm probably being over picky there.个人而言,我就得喜欢一点点低,提前,但我可能有过分挑剔。

8."We prefer chubby men, of course, ideally with a real beard but we're not picky and take what we get, " he said.他说:“体型偏胖的男性更适合这一职位,如果有胡子就更好了。但我们的条件不是很苛刻,通常都是‘来者不拒’。”

9.Though it prefers hunting small mammals, the Arctic fox is at heart an opportunist. The Arctic is no place to be picky.虽然喜欢捕食小型哺乳动物,但北极狐本质上是一个机会主义者。北极不是一个可以挑肥拣瘦的地方。

10.Also I'm gonna, strive to be more picky with whomever I shall go out with this year.今年,我还要努力地挑选和我约会的男孩。