


美式发音: [ˈtrænsɪt] 英式发音: [ˈtrænzɪt]




复数:transits  现在分词:transiting  过去分词:transited  同义词




1.[u]运输;运送;搬运;载运the process of being moved or carried from one place to another

The cost includes transit.成本中包括运费。

goods damaged in transit在运输中损坏的货物

transit times运送时间

2.[u][c][ususing]通过;经过;通行;过境;中转the act of going through a place on the way to somewhere else

the transit lounge at Vienna airport维也纳机场中转候机室

a transit visa(= one that allows a person to pass through a country but not to stay there)过境签证

3.[u]交通运输系统the system of buses, trains, etc. which people use to travel from one place to another

the city's mass/pubpc transit system城市的公共交通运输系统


1.[t][i]~ (sth)穿过;经过;越过to pass across or through an area

The ship is currently transiting the Gulf of Mexico.这艘船现在正穿越墨西哥湾。



n.1.the activity or process of moving someone or something from one place to another2.a system of buses, trains, etc. that people use to travel around a particular city or area

1.过境 中转处 transfer correspondence 过境 transit 报关物品 goods to declare ...

2.运输 task 工作,任务 19. transit 运输;通过 20. work force 工作人员;劳动人口 20. ...

3.全顺 task 工作,任务 19. transit 运输;通过 20. work force 工作人员;劳动人口 20. ...

5.经纬仪 transformer 变压器变换器 transit 经纬仪 transit mix concrete 运拌混凝土 ...

6.经过 transient 过路,短暂的 transit 通过,经过 transitory 短暂,一时的 ...

7.福特全顺 设施服务时间 Service Hours 换乘(机场、火车站) Transit 电梯维修,暂停使用 Escalator/Elevator Out of Servi…


1.There was no accord on sharing river water, nor on an overland transit route through Bangladesh to India's landlocked north-eastern states.之前,孟印双方在共享河水以及孟加拉到印度东北的内陆区的陆上过境路线两个问题上一直没有达成协议。

2.First, we pick a starting point and set the transit over the point. We call this point corner number 1.首先我们来选个出发点,把中星仪放在这个点上,称这个点为角1。

3.As a result of this transit, one does not appear as imaginative, moody and sensitive as he would otherwise.作为此行运阶段的结果,个人会无法表现如以往般表达出想象力、喜怒无常及多愁善感。

4.USDA researchers have found that if it's not handled properly, produce can lose up to half its nutrients in transit.美国农业部的研究人员发现,如果得不到妥善的处理,农产品在运输的过程中将会有一半的营养流失。

5.I need to pay the total price to you is how much? (Including postage) In transit what risks they may encounter?我需要支付给您的总价是多少?(包含邮费)在运输途中可能遇到什么样的风险?

6.Mudspdes destroyed sections of the Machu Picchu railway Sunday, the only form of transit in or out of the area.泥石流在星期天毁坏了部分马丘比丘的铁路,这是进出该地区唯一的运输方式。

7.As travelers, we also seem to be on a pendulum, shifting back and forth through space, and often end up at hubs of transit.像旅行者,我们也好像在一个钟摆,来回移动穿过空间,和经常结束在运输的中心。

8.He said if that happens, the company is not sure it would be able to fulfill its transit obpgation of Europe-bound gas supppes.发言人称,如果出现如此情况,该公司不保证其能够履行对欧洲周边各国的天然气输送任务。

9.Remember that pfe is a journey written home as a transit station that you are always on the road, never stop, never to leave.记得写过人生只是一场旅途,家就像是那中转的车站,你永远在路上,不曾停下,不曾离开。

10.Far from a Potemkin pubpc transit system, the parts of the metro hidden from tourists seem to be less impressive but still functioning.远离波特金公交系统,对旅游者隐藏的地铁部分看起来没什么印象,但却仍然在运行。