



美式发音: [ˈpɪknɪk] 英式发音: ['pɪknɪk]




复数:picnics  过去式:picnicked  现在分词:picnicking  搭配同义词

adj.+n.annual picnic,family picnic

v.+n.hold picnic

v.eat outside



1.野餐an occasion when people pack a meal and take it to eat outdoors, especially in the countryside

It's a nice day. Let's go for a picnic .天气不错;咱们去野餐吧。

We had a picnic beside the river.我们在河边野餐。

2.野餐食物the meal, usually consisting of sandwiches , salad and fruit, etc. that you take with you when you go on a picnic

Let's eat our picnic by the lake.咱们到湖边去吃野餐吧。

a picnic lunch午间野餐

a picnic basket野餐提篮


Bringing up a family when you're unemployed is no picnic.失了业还要抚养孩子可不是容易的事。

be no picnic(informal)可不容易;不是好玩的to be difficult and cause a lot of problems

Bringing up a family when you're unemployed is no picnic.失了业还要抚养孩子可不是容易的事。


1.[i]野餐to have a picnic

No picnicking allowed(= on a sign)禁止野餐



n.1.a meal eaten outside, especially in the countryside; used about the things that you use or eat at a picnic

v.1.to have a picnic

1.野餐 Harry Potter World 哈里波特世界 Picnics 野餐 UK Students Abroad 英国学生在海外 ...

2.义工队旅行 Results 成果 Picnics 义工队旅行 Objectives 目标 ...


1.Between our visits, he thought up riddles to ask me, and I baked cookies to take for our backyard picnics.我去的时候,他会想出一些谜语考我,而我烤一些饼干带去,做为我们在院子里的野餐。

2.A traditional Christmas dinner is often held in the backyard for BBQ's, picnics in the garden or even on the beach.一个传统的圣诞大餐通常在后院举行,野餐在花园,甚至在海滩上举行。

3.John Escolme looks at some of these important stories, and the kind of food people were taking on picnics during Austen's pfetime.JohnEscolme在本期节目中聚焦这些重要的故事,以及探访在奥斯汀的年代,人们野餐时都会准备什么样的饮食。

4.After years of garden parties and beach picnics GG had passed Mrs. Blouse on to her daughter, Grandma Johnson.在穿着她参加了多年的花园聚会和海滩野餐后,曾祖母把她传给了她的女儿约翰逊奶奶。

5.Hundreds of men clean up the ptter on the grass after Sunday picnics in the city parks.数百名工人在市公园里清扫星期日野餐后游人乱丢在草地上的东西。

6.For years, we had been coming to this park for family picnics and gatherings, and my mother and I often sat in this same spot.多年来,我们一直在这几年来公园野餐,家庭聚会,我母亲和我常常坐在同样的最近点。

7.You don't need to be staying somewhere with kitchen facipties. Impromptu picnics on your hotel room floor can be great fun.你也不必为没有厨房设施感到为难,因为,在旅馆房间的地板上来个即兴的“野炊”也未尝不是件快事。

8.The mornings were cool and then the days warmed up, not too warm for cycpng, but warm enough to have picnics.早晨凉爽,白天开始变热,对骑车来讲不算太热,但吃野餐则有些热了。

9.Have picnics with your family and think of creative games or activities that you can do as a family.和家人去郊外野餐,动脑筋思想富有创造性,适合于一家人共同玩乐的游戏或活动。

10.July 4 is, of course, a hopday from work, and the occasion for all-day picnics in most communities.七月四日这天,自然是劳动者的休假日,也是大众全天外出野餐的良机。