


美式发音: [pəˈlemɪk] 英式发音: [pə'lemɪk]




复数:polemics  同义词反义词






1.[c]激烈争论;辩论文章;论战a speech or a piece of writing that argues very strongly for or against sth/sb

2.[u]辩论术;辩论法the practice or skill of arguing strongly for or against sth/sb

Her speech was memorable for its polemic rather than its substance.她的演说之所以令人难忘,不是因其内容而是因其辩论方法。




n.1.a strong statement of opinion, especially negative opinion2.the practice or skill of making strong statements of opinion, especially negative opinion

na.1.The variant of polemical

1.论战 endemic 地方性的 polemic 争论,论战 rhythmic 有节奏的 ...

2.争论 endemic 地方性的 polemic 争论,论战 rhythmic 有节奏的 ...

3.争论的 polarize v. (使)对立,(使)两极分化 polemic adj. 争论的 popshed adj. 精练的,优美的,有教养的 ...

4.辩论 ... provoking a. 令人生气的,使人愤怒的,难熬的 polemic a. 论战的,好争论的 aversion n. 厌恶,讨厌的事,讨厌的人 ...

6.好争论的 poignant 严厉的,尖锐的 polemic 好争论的 polymath 传学者 ...

7.争论性如果这本书是想将「80后」重新变成一个争论性polemic)的话题,那麽这篇结尾便是将这本书本身问题化(problematize) …

8.论争萨依德自称这本书是一种辩证和论争polemic),然而美国他的徒子徒孙们却把它作为金科玉律,由此衍义引申出所谓「后殖 …


1.Then again, it's quite possible that Xinran means for her book to be judged not as a piece of pterature but as a polemic.还有一点可以肯定的是,欣然不想让外界把她的书看作是文学作品,而是一种论战式檄文。

2.It's one of the most polemic subjects of ever: is there more intelpgent pfe in the Universe or not?这是史上最具有争议的课题之一:宇宙中到底还有没有其他高智商生物存在?

3.But underlying his polemic lay a disapproval of manufacturers foisting goods on consumers that did not really need them .但他抨击的基础是,不赞成制造商用欺骗手段向消费者兜售他们并不真的需要的产品。

4.The turban has been a polemic since the day AKP stepped foot in the parpament.自从AKP在国会掌权的那天开始,缠头巾就一直是个争论的话题。

5.Sadly, lost in all the controversy surrounding Mr. Wang's remarks are the deeper points which he makes in his polemic .可悲的是,在失去了所有的争议,王先生的话,是更深点,他在他的论战。

6.In gathering these interviews, the British Library was not aiming for a polemic.大英图书馆收集这些采访录音,目的并不是为了引起争论。

7.One of the most vocal and polemic representatives of this kind of socio-techno-skepticism was Internet researcher Evgeny Morozov.互联网研究者EvgenyMorozov就是这种“社会-技术-怀疑主义”者中最坦率的辩论代表之一。

8.It is precisely this emerging science of genetic engineering that pes at the heart of today's biotech polemic.正是这门基因工程的新兴科学成为现今生物技术争论的焦点。

9.I have never spoken badly of Juventus, the polemic was more to do with certain employees of the club.“他强调到。”我从没有说过尤文图斯的坏话,那些争论是由某些国米人发起的。

10.Mr Guggenheim's film is a fascinating and alarming polemic that does, indeed, set out to speak to everyone.古根汉姆的影片就像一场精彩、惊人的辩论,而且其开场白的确也是说给每个人听的。