


美式发音: [ˈpɪɡˌstaɪ] 英式发音: ['pɪɡ.staɪ]



复数:pigsties  同义词

n.bomb site,mess,pit,tip,hole



1.[c]猪圈;猪场a small building or a confined area where pigs are kept

2.[sing](informal)肮脏的地方;猪窝般邋遢的地方a very dirty or untidy place


n.1.a pigpen

1.猪圈 猪霍乱〖 hogcholera〗 猪圈pigsty;pigpen;hogpen;sty〗 猪栏〖 swinery〗 ...

2.猪舍 piglet 小猪 pigsty 猪舍,猪栏[英] pilose 毛状的 ...

3.猪栏 piglet 小猪 pigsty 猪舍,猪栏[英] pilose 毛状的 ...

4.猪窠 ... 猪科 suidae 猪窠 pigsty 猪栏 sties ...

5.猪圈,猪舍 ... pigsty: 猪圈,猪舍。 to search for survivors. The quake temporarily knocked out( 中断了,毁坏) ...

6.木垛 ... pig iron 生铁 pigsty 木垛 pike 钎子 ...


8.猪仔馆 ... 遮目鱼 milkfish 猪仔馆 pigsty 鲻鱼 cod ...


1.This house was something between a cave, a prison, and a tumbledown pigsty. There was a strong door, which was shut and locked.这间屋子是介于一个洞穴、一座监狱和一座破烂不堪的猪栏的一种东西。那儿有一扇关上了、上了锁、很结实的门。

2.Teachers are bad, and not directly asked, but by a few pigs to ask a few pigsty.老师也太坏了,不是直接问,而是通过几个猪几个猪栏来问。

3.In this sense, I never bring comfort and happiness of pfe as an end in itself - the ethical basis, I call it pigsty-style ideal.在这个意义上,我从来不把安逸和快乐看作是生活目的本身——这种伦理基础,我叫它猪栏式的理想。

4.Make a pigsty by barbed wire with outward thorns. Pigs need sense of security either.用铁丝网做个猪圈,刺朝外,猪也需要安全感。

5.He laid big stones at his house and began to build a pigsty.他把大石块堆在房子前开始垒猪圈。

6.Right now, I'm only interested in getting your out of this pigsty .但现在,我只想让你离开这个邋遢地方。

7.They had come to America years before, after the discovery of a small arsenal of rifles buried under the O' Haras pigsty.很多年前,埋在奥哈拉家猪圈下的一个小武器库被发现后,他们就去了美国。

8.It is difficult to wow someone with your car if the inside looks pke a pigsty.如果车里像个猪圈一样,就很难给人留下深刻的印象。

9.as filthy as a pigsty ; a foul pond; a nasty pigsty of a room.肮脏得像猪圈;污秽的池塘;脏得像猪圈一样的房间。

10.In this sense I have never looked upon ease and happiness as ends in themselves- this ethical basis I call the ideal of a pigsty.在这个意义上,我从不认为安逸和快乐就是目标所在,我把这种理念称之为猪栏的理想。