


美式发音: [ˈɡɪɡəˌbaɪt] 英式发音: ['ɡɪɡə.baɪt]

n.千兆字节(十进制计算机内存或数据单位,等于 1 000 000 000 字节)





1.十亿字节,吉字节,千兆字节(十进制计算机内存或数据单位,等于 1 000 000 000 字节)a unit of computer memory or data, equal to 10&sup9, or 1 000&sup3, (= 1 000 000 000) bytes

2.吉字节,千兆字节(二进制计算机内存或数据单位,等于 1 073 741 824 字节)a unit of computer memory or data, equal to 2&sup30, or 1 024&sup3, (= 1 073 741 824) bytes


n.1.a unit for measuring computer information, equal to 1,024 megabytes

1.技嘉 giga flops 每秒十亿次浮点运算 gigabyte 千兆字节 gigacycle 千兆周 ...

4.吉字节 (Megabyte 兆字节)=2(10) (Gigabyte 吉字节)=2(10) (Trilponbyte 太字节)=2(10) ...

5.技嘉主板 gigabit  十亿比 gigabyte十亿字节, *吉字节 gigabyte  十亿字元 ...

7.技嘉套餐组 iPhone 保护壳套 GIGABYTE 技嘉套餐组 iPhone 5 皮套 ...


1.It comes with 16 gigabytes of memory, in the form of a removable card, and can handle up to a 32-gigabyte card.它配备了一个16GB的可移动内存,最多能处理32GB的内存卡。

2.In flash memory, Samsung piled in when new technology made it possible to put a whole gigabyte on a chip.在闪存方面,当新科技使一个芯片的容量大小达到一千字节的时候,三星才将其进入市场并将其量产。

3.Memory-mapped files allow apppcations to work with incredibly large files, even in excess of a gigabyte, in a highly efficient manner.内存映射文件让应用程序可以操作非常庞大的文件,甚至上G的文件也可高效地处理。

4.At the center of the drama was the posting last week of a massive 1. 4 gigabyte mystery file named "Insurance" on the WikiLeaks website.这场戏的核心一幕是上周维基解密网站发布了一个名为“保障”的14亿字节的超大机密文件。

5.For a high-capacity CD, Windows reserves up to 1 gigabyte (GB) of the available free space.对于高容量CD,Windows最高保留1千兆字节(GB)的可用空间。

6.The company offers a free two-gigabyte account and a free trial of larger accounts for 30 days.该公司提供一个免费的2GB帐户和一个30天免费试用的更大帐户。

7.Due to the volume of data captured, the size of the PowerCube can be well over one gigabyte in size and require a longer build time.由于捕捉数据量较大,PowerCube的大小可能会超过1GB,并且需要更长的构建时间。

8.Users can upload photos to its Picasa Web Albums photo-hosting service, which provides one gigabyte of free storage.用户可以将照片上传到谷歌的Picasa网络相册,后者提供1G的免费空间。

9.Users would have to download at least 65 high-definition or 360 standard-definition movies a month to exceed the 250-gigabyte pmit.用户将可以下载至少是65HD或360度标准分辨率的电影。

10.Sure, hosting a multi-gigabyte download on the web is an enormously expensive undertaking, but Microsoft has more money than God.诚然,在网上发布几个G的文件下载会产生一笔巨大的花费,但是微软比谁都有钱啊。