


网络释义:注塑机(plastic injection molding machine);皮姆;巴拿马国际商品市场(Panama International Merchandise Mart)


1.注塑机(plastic injection molding machine)美通巴拿马科隆2月28日电:素未在拉丁美洲谋面的 Panama International Merchandise Mart (PIMM) 正兴建于科隆自由贸易 …

4.娉 俜 pimn pimm 枰 pimcj ...

5.绩效改进度量方法模型(Performance Improvement Measurement Methodology) ... In Pimm : 种用皮姆 PIMM绩效改进度量方法模型 Pimm Fox : 皮姆·福 …

6.绩效改进度量方法2.绩效改进度量方法PIMM)模型 该体系的基本思想是根据企业的近期和远期目标来衡量企业的进步,根据顾客的投入设定 …


1."You look at these communities and you don't need to be a genius to see that they are different, " Pimm remarks.“你看看这些群落,普通人也能看出它们的不同,”皮姆评论道。

2."Yes, without a doubt he could, " says Stuart Pimm. "But his prediction is not as interesting as one might think. "“是的,毫无疑问他能预测”斯图特皮姆说,“但是他的预测不会像人们想的那样有趣。”

3.PIMM and JENKINS work at the Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Sciences at Duke University.皮姆与简金斯任职于杜克大学的环境与地球科学学院。

4.Choosing a PIMM simply on the basis of shot weight is too simppstic . Neither is clamping force alone sufficient.仅仅基于射出重量去选择注塑机是不够的,同样的,仅考虑锁模力也不可以。

5.After an hour of drinking Pimms, she met another member and found herself immediately attracted.在喝了一个小时的Pimm酒者后,她认识了另一位会员,并立刻被吸引住了。

6.To complement their studies in vitro, Pimm also set up experiments "in sipco" -simppfied ecological models in a computer.为了补充他们在试管内的研究,皮姆还设立了计算机模拟试验——在计算机里构建简化的生态模型。

7.(Pimm's models of random ecologies bear some resemblance to Stuart Kauffman's models of random genetic networks; see chapter 20).(皮姆的随机生态模型与斯图亚特•考夫曼[3]的随机遗传网络系统相似。见第二十章)。

8.As Gomez, Folsome, and Pimm discovered in their microcosms, it can take 60 days for the microbes to settle into a stable community.戈麦斯,弗尔萨姆,皮姆在他们的小世界中发现,微生物在一个稳定的社区中定居下来只需要60天。

9.Careful matching of the job's needs and the attributes of a PIMM is well worth the effort.仔细衡量工作需求与注塑机的品质是否匹配,值得研究。

10.Pimm began asking himself: Can we assemble a stable ecosystem by taking in the parts at random?皮姆自问道:我们能通过随机加入物种,组合出一个稳定的生态系统吗?