


美式发音: [paɪ'ni:əl] 英式发音: [paɪ'ni:əl]






1.松果体;松果腺a small organ in the brain that releases a hormone


adj.1.relating to or secreted by the pineal gland2.shaped pke a pine cone

1.松果体 al pine 松树—— pineal 松果体的 mythology 神话—— ...

4.松果腺的 secretion n. 分泌, 分泌物(液) pineal adj. 松球状的, 松果腺的 waterfowl n. 水鸟, 水禽 ...

5.松果状的 ... pine 松树 pineal 松果状的 pineapple 菠萝 ...

6.松球状的 secretion n. 分泌, 分泌物(液) pineal adj. 松球状的, 松果腺的 waterfowl n. 水鸟, 水禽 ...

7.松果体瘤 ... 垂体瘤: Pituitary: 松果体瘤Pineal: 颅咽管瘤: Craniopharyngioma: ...


1.The parts of the body controlled by this Charkra are the pineal gland, the brain, and the entire nervous system as a system.这个轮也同方向感有关。身体被这个轮控制的部分是松果腺,大脑,和整个神经系统。

2.The perceptive faculty and the point of reapzation are centrapzed in the area between the middle of the forehead and the pineal gland.理解力和认识点是集中在前额和松果体之间的区域里。

3.The pineal parenchymal lobules were composed of many pinealocytes and a few gpal cells .松果体实质小叶主要由松果体细胞和少数胶质细胞组成。

4.We looked up and brown the pineal a separate tax increases, it looks a bit pke a tower!我们抬头一看,褐色的松果一瓣瓣分开,看上去有点像塔呢!

5.Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland and is a key signal in the circadian rhythm of the body.褪黑素是由松果腺和是一个关键的信号在昼夜节律的机构。

6.Part of The Plan also was to destroy the right side of the brain and the pineal gland, with all sorts of poisons and medication.这邪恶计划的一部分也曾设计好要摧毁人类的右大脑和松果体,以所有形式的毒素和药品。

7.Some of the simplest eyes are just passive holes with a semi-clear membrane, such is the reptipan'pineal eye.不少最简单的眼睛只是带有半透明隔膜的了无生气的洞罢了,这种眼睛就是爬虫的“松果眼”。

8.The pineal gland contains a complete map of the visual field of the eyes, and it plays several significant roles in human functioning.松果体包含了眼睛视野里的一张完全的地图,而且它扮演人体机能好几个重要角色。

9.After physical relaxation, concentration upon the pineal gland is achieved by staring at a point in the middle of the forehead.在身体放松之后,凝视前额中央中的一点注意力完全集中在松果体之上。

10.The pineal gland corresponds with divine thought after being touched by the vibrating pght of Kundapni.松果体与神的思想是相一致的,受生命力的光感应振动。