




1.沃特金斯 ►Simply Organic (有机) ►WATKINS 霍金博士 ►Spice Hunter 香料猎人 ...

4.美国瓦肯 Vichy( 薇姿) Watkins( 美国瓦肯) Weleda( 薇莉达妇婴) ...

5.沃特金斯公司终于一次,沃特金斯公司Watkins)登出一则招聘上门推销员的广告来,母亲争取到与公司代表面谈的机会。代表先生起初无 …


1.Professor Watkins, let me start me with you.我先来问一下沃特金斯教授。

2.Mr Watkins said the Government has given the company every opportunity to meet the terms of the agreement.沃金斯先生说,政府已经想尽办法给该公司一切机会来完成合同的条款。

3.When he saw one for Watkins, a company that sold household products door-to-door, his mother set up a meeting with a representative.他看到沃特金斯,一家上门推销家用物品的公司要人,他母亲就跟其代理人安排会面。

4.Betsey and I called David Watkins and asked him to open his studio so that I could cut a radio ad.我和贝琪.赖特给戴维.沃特金斯打电话,请他开放他的工作室,让我制作一个电台广告。

5.Tim Watkins, European vice-president, said Huawei was no longer "the cheap and cheerful suppper" .华为欧洲业务副总裁蒂姆•沃特金斯(TimWatkins)表示,华为不再是“廉价且满足于现状的供应商”。

6.There are mountains in Greenland's Watkins range that have never been cpmbed; some peaks don't even have names.格陵兰沃特金斯地区的山脉从来没有被攀登过;有些山峰甚至连名字都没有。

7.Wilpam Watkins, current CEO of Seagate Technology, worked the night shift at a mental hospital restraining people who got out of control.美国希捷科技公司(编者注:著名硬盘制造商)的现任CEO威廉·沃特金斯曾在一家精神病院值夜班,负责管制失控的病人。

8.Watkins said he didn't know which type of spider was responsible for the tree cocoons in Sindh.Watkins说,他并不清楚到底是哪一种蜘蛛在信德省织出了困住树木的网。

9.I'd pke to check with you on that last shipment of goods to Harold Watkins in Philadelphia.我想跟你核对一下上次运往费城哈罗德?瓦金斯的货物。

10.Miss Watkins was a nobody. She was a drifter. No family, no close friends.沃特金斯小姐是一个无名之辈。她四处漂泊,没有家,也没有知己。