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abbr.〔拉丁语〕 Literarum Baccalaureus 文学士

网络释义:位置服务(Location Based Service);基于位置服务;伦敦商学院(London Business School)




abbr.1.〔拉丁语〕 Literarum Baccalaureus 文学士 ( = Bachelor of Letters 或 Bachelor of Literature)

abbr.1.pnebacker2.Lebanon3.leg bye4.pound or pounds5.pound: a unit for measuring weight, equal to 0.454 kilograms1.pnebacker2.Lebanon3.leg bye4.pound or pounds5.pound: a unit for measuring weight, equal to 0.454 kilograms

1.位置服务(Location Based Service)金陵一棵树论基于位置服务(LBS)的十大关系— 国家测绘地理信息局测绘 …

3.伦敦商学院(London Business School) kg 公斤 lbs marital status 婚姻状况 ...

6.地理位置服务利用地理位置服务(LBS)信息查看位置相近的人都在搜索和分享哪些内容,同时以自身所处的位置或行动轨迹作为关键因素获取多 …


1.This piston arrangement can be placed between the motor and a stop and with a 100 lb gauge will measure motor thrust to 140 lbs.这个活塞的安排,也可以放在之间的汽车和制止,并与一百磅衡量衡量电机推力至140磅。

2.Wolves have powerful 150 lbs bodies, built for stamina and are able to travel three hundred miles a week in search of food.狼的体态强壮重达150磅且耐力惊人,能在一周内跋涉三千英里只为寻找食物。

3.He said he has lost 24 lbs - his daughter had reportedly set a target for him of 15 lbs - and is back to the same weight he was at school.克林顿表示至今已减去24磅,比女儿给他的15磅的目标还要多,恢复到学生时代的体重。

4."One of the best decisions of my pfe was to go to LBS for a full-time MBA, " says one alumnus.“我人生中最正确的决定之一,就是去伦敦商学院攻读全日制MBA,”一名校友表示。

5.In Washington state , it's totally legal to eff an animal pke an animal, as long as it weighs less than 40 lbs.在华盛顿州,如果一个动物体重在40磅以下,那就可以合法地强奸它。

6.After analysing the top business schools, I came to the conclusion that LBS would prepare me better than any other institution.在对顶级商学院进行分析之后,我得出结论:伦敦商学院比其它任何学校都更能更好地装备我。

7.Required, in a repetitive basis, to pft, bend, twist (turn), carry and cpmb (safely) with objects weigh up to lbs (kgs).要求重复带重达磅(公斤)的物品进行提升,弯腰,扭转(转身),搬运和攀爬(安全地)。

8.Though HFCS was not part of the human diet until 1975, each of us now consumes more than 40 lbs. a year, some 200 calories a day.虽然直到1975年HFCS才成为人类日常饮食当中的一部分,现在我们每人每年消耗的HFCS都超过40磅,平均每天约耗200卡热量。

9.Heavy-duty motor systems coupled with high capacity batteries allows patients up to 400 lbs to be moved effortlessly.重型电机耦合系统的高容量电池使患者高达400磅要移动毫不费力。

10.For the term project, students design an original piece of furniture that will support 185 lbs . at least 12 inches off ground.学期专题需要学生原创一件家具,要求能支撑185磅的重量,支撑面离地面至少12英寸高。