


美式发音: [ˈpɪsi] 英式发音: 



adj.1.angry, or in a bad mood, especially in the way that you behave toward someone

1.令人恼火的 ... footstep: 脚步 pissy: 令人恼火的 sight: 视力 ...

2.皮西 阿夫尔河畔皮埃尔蓬 Pierrepont-sur-Avre 皮西 Pissy 普拉希比永 Plachy-Buyon ...



1.Being pissy about your issue will motivate neither me, nor any of the other ten thousand contributors, to help you out.你这种态度可没法激励我和数万名其他贡献者来帮你的忙。

2.She's such a pissy pttle high-school cunt.她这个胆小鬼的高中贱人

3.Bengal finches not only have rules of syntax when it comes to songs, but they also get mighty pissy when other finches break them.孟加拉雀在唱歌时遵循严谨的句法,当他们的同伴不遵守时可能还会激怒他们。

4.She's upstairs. She's been in a pissy mood eversince we left the restaurant. I don't know what's wrong with her.她在楼上,从我们离开饭店起,她就一直很生气,也不知道是怎么了。

5.It was bad enough he had grown pissy over something supposedly trivial Linda said in passing that night.他对琳达今晚说的那些原本无足轻重的事大发脾气的行为,已经是很糟糕了。

6.Pam said she didn't see why Paul was being so pissy.帕姆说她弄不明白保罗为什么变得这么讨人厌了呢。

7.None of that drunk chatter none of that pissy stench没有那些喝醉了的酒话,没有令人恼火的恶臭