


美式发音: [ˈpitə ˌbred] 英式发音: [ˈpɪtə ˌbred]


单数:pita bread  复数:pita breads  


pita— see alsopitta

n.1.a type of flat bread that is hollow inside, eaten especially with Middle Eastern food

1.皮塔饼 国家:越南 菜名:越南甘蔗虾 培根奶酪焗土豆蘑菇 大部分的人都喜欢 …

2.口袋饼 Swiss cheese 瑞士硬干酪 pita 阿拉伯大饼 peppercorn 干胡椒 ...

5.饼皮它的外面是一个较厚的圆饼皮(pita), 里面包了很多好吃的食材, 例如烤猪肉片或是鸡肉片、再加上红洋葱、薯条、蕃茄等等, 还 …

6.面饼头台埃式面包(Aish)很像中东南美的面饼(Pita),抹上柠檬豆酱(Hummus),就着蔬菜丸子(Falafel)、菠菜馅饺(Sabanikhiyat)和葡 …

7.口袋面包口袋面包Pita)是中东地区的传统主食面包,它的特色是一烤就会膨胀,中间是空的,切成两半就像口袋,可以装馅料吃,非 …


1.Maybe the veggies you're adding to your pasta sauce could also be served up in a veggie pita.或许,你要放到面酱里的蔬菜,在素食皮塔饼里就有。

2.Which means that 300 centuries ago, Fred and Wilma might have had a kind of prehistoric pita bread on the menu.这意味着,在300个世纪之前,Fred和Wilma的菜单上也许就有一种史前面饼。

3.PITA model supports dialogue independence, adaptive interfaces, apppcation portabipty, controlled task and give user immediate feedback.PITA模型支持对话独立性、界面自适应、应用的可移植性、任务的可控制性并能给用户及时的反馈。

4.Serve dip immediately with vegetables or pita chips or cover and store in refrigerator for up to 3 days.与蔬菜或圆面饼一起即刻上桌,或者盖起来放入冰箱储存,最多能保存3天。

5.Toasted wholegrain pita bread, cut into triangles, and served with salsa for dipping.烤全麦皮塔面包,切成三角形,沾些辣番茄酱一起吃。

6.If it is a long oval pita, then spce each pita open in half so that it forms 2 small pockets.长椭圆面包的话,直接切对半成为两个小口袋。

7.Fresh vegetables, raspberries, pita with mare's milk, and sprouts.新鲜的蔬菜覆盆子母马奶做的皮塔饼麦芽片。

8.Marines returning from Iraq and the Persian Gulf were pining for pita, according to focus-group surveys conducted on the base.根据焦点小组在基地所做的调查,那些从伊拉克和波斯湾归来的海军陆战队士兵都为吃不到皮塔饼消而瘦。

9.Peeke's picks: 1 Tbsp of low-fat peanut butter on a pita, half a turkey wrap, or some low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese with fruit.皮克精选:1低脂花生酱汤匙上皮塔,半包火鸡,或一些低脂肪酸奶或奶酪和水果。

10.Spce the pita from the top open to create a pocket.切开面包上端成为口袋。