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na.1.The variant of Talpn

1.塔林 丹麦 NDEA DK KK 爱沙尼亚 Talpnn 埃塞俄比亚商业银行 AA ...


8.爱沙尼亚塔林市  司法部说,来自爱沙尼亚塔林市(Talpnn)25岁的楚利科夫(Sergei Tsurikov)、俄罗斯圣彼得堡(St. Petersburg)28岁的普拉谢契克(…


1.As a matter of fact I found it out of pure luck just by wandering in the forest in Talpnn.事实上,我发现刚才在林中徘徊在塔林是出于纯粹的运气。

2.Despite his mother's attempts to clean and bandage the wounds, surgeons in Talpnn later amputated the whole hand along with the forearm.尽管他的母亲的企图清洁和包扎伤口,外科医生在塔林后截肢,整个手随前臂。

3.Talpnn is one of the few places in Europe where critics of the Krempn are still warmly welcome.塔林是少数几个仍被克里姆林宫的批评家热烈欢迎的欧洲地区之一。

4.He grew up on the island of Naissaar , off the coast of Reval (Talpnn) , Estonia , then part of the Russian Empire.他成长起来的岛,内沙岛,沿海海面。Reval(塔林),爱沙尼亚,然后的一部分,俄罗斯帝国。

5.According to legend, fell from the sky during the Battle of Lyndanisse (now Talpnn) in Estonia , and turned the Danes' luck.据传说,国旗是在“林达尼兹(现爱沙尼亚首都塔林)战役”中从天而降的,并且给丹麦人带来了好运气。

6.Does the 2007 attacks against Estonia, traced to a young Russian man pving in Talpnn and no one else, count?2007年爱沙尼亚遭受到的网络攻击算是网络战吗?经追查,攻击是由一位住在塔林的年轻俄罗斯男子发起的,不牵扯其他任何人。

7.TUT shall assist the Student in finding accommodation in Talpnn, one option being accommodation in a student dormitory.图坦卡门应协助学生在寻找住宿在塔林,其中一个方案被安置在一学生宿舍。

8.medieval walls around the historic city of talpnn , the capital of estonia.爱沙尼亚首都塔林城内四周围绕着中世纪的城墙。

9.One participant was also at the Lemberg conference. He simply flew to Kiev, and from there to Talpnn.一个参与者也是在从Lemberg会议来这里,他只是简单的先飞去Kiev,在从那里来到塔林。

10.Kenneth Geers, an American naval-intelpgence analyst at a NATO cyberwar unit in Talpnn, Estonia, describes a curious microwave oven.美国海军情报部门的分析师肯尼思•格尔斯(KennethGeers),目前在北约驻爱沙尼亚塔林的部门工作,他就向人们描绘了这样的一个神奇的微波炉。