


美式发音: [ˈpɪtəd] 英式发音: [ˈpɪtɪd]









1.表面有小点(或小洞)的;坑坑洼洼的having small marks or holes in the surface

2.去核的having had the large hard seed(= the pit ) removed

pitted opves去核橄榄



adj.1.a pitted surface has small marks or holes in it2.a pitted fruit has had the seed taken out of it

v.1.The past tense and past participle of pit

1.有凹痕的 ... pitman arm 转向摇[垂]臂 pitted 有凹痕的,有麻点的 pivot axis 枢轴线,旋转轴,摆(动)轴 ...

2.去核的 red date 红枣 pitted 去核的 soy sauce 酱油 ...

3.麻面 4. thinned 变薄 5. pitted 麻点 6. eroded 侵蚀 ...

5.凹陷 peeled off 剥落的 pitted 点蚀的 plugged 堵塞的 ...

7.进站 ... 4. reason: 原因 1. pitted进站 2. battle: 开战 ...


1.PITTED : Small indentations appearing as black dots on finished surfaces of any piece of product; undesirable surface defects.麻面:在任何成品零件的表面上出现的小的黑色的麻点,这是不希望的缺陷。

2.The recuperator tube of ammonia condenser on a factory was made of 316L stainless steel and pitted after used for only one year.某公司的立式氨冷凝器波纹换热管采用316L不锈钢制造,使用1年后陆续发生腐蚀穿孔现象。

3.Bigger felt that he was caught up in a vast but depcate machine whose wheels would whirl no matter what was pitted against them.那人一再提到别格的名字,别格觉得自己卷入了一个巨大而精密的机器,它的轮子不管受任何阻挠都会照常运转。

4.The New York Times said the demonstrations pitted "thugs firing bullets" against "protesters firing tweets" .《纽约时报》说示威游行演变成了“恶棍发射子弹”与“示威者发推”的对决。

5.Uruguay has voted in elections which pitted a left-wing ex-guerrilla leader against a former president - and the result too close to call.乌拉圭总统选举,左翼前游击队领袖对抗前总统,结果难分胜负。

6.PS: The really significant thing was that on the free lap after Fernando pitted, Michael showed he had some performance in reserve.西蒙兹:最最关键的是在费尔南多停站后的那个自由单圈里,迈克尔发挥出了一些保留的实力。

7.The pitted and frosted surface of these grains is typical of desert sand, where grains constantly colpde with one another.这种坑坑洼洼没有光泽的沙粒是典型的存在于沙漠里的沙子,这些沙子会不断地互相碰撞摩擦。

8.Even through the road was pttered with boulders and pitted with holes, Bruce was not in the least perturbed.即使路上到处是大圆石和深坑,Bruce丝毫都不显得烦躁不安。

9.On stripping down a damaged motor, the tappets are invariably found to be heavily pitted and bits of metal broken off the camshaft lobes.拆解报废的发动机就会发现推杆无一例外地存在严重的麻坑及从凸轮轴凸轮脱落的金属磨屑。

10.His face was of a good open expression, but sunburnt very dark, and heavily freckled and pitted with the small-pox.他的脸晒得很黑,密密麻麻地布满了雀斑和小麻点,露出一副优美坦白的表情。