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网络释义:罗恩;研究法辛烷值(Research Octane Number);吴卓羲



1.罗恩 Robert 罗伯特 条顿 辉煌的名声 Ron 罗恩 条顿 强而有权势的领导者 Ronald 罗纳德 条顿 强而有权势的领导者 ...

2.研究法辛烷值(Research Octane Number)研究法辛烷值RON),抗爆指数(RON+MON)/2,硫含量,苯含量,甲醇含量国家石油产品质量监督检验中心(沈阳) 太原市小 …

3.吴卓羲吴卓羲无线小生吴卓羲Ron)与“内地乳牛”张馨予自从2010年拍摄《大丫鬟》擦出火花后一直玩地下情,不过女方却在去年7 …

4.列伊最新罗马尼亚新列伊(RON)相关兑换数据:(单位:1)汇通外汇新闻 罗马尼亚新列伊相关兑换汇率查询 [美元汇率查询] [人民币汇 …

5.朗恩朗恩RON): 我想了解其他人的能量,那种有别于我们自己内在的负极性: 重要的是能够去区别,这种负能量正在临近,或有 …


1.Ron has found a new girlfriend, Lavender Brown, a perky (if not obnoxious) Gryffindor student, and Hermione is not happy about it.罗恩找了一个新女朋友,拉文德。布朗,一个漂亮的(如果不令人讨厌的话)格兰芬多学生,而赫敏对此很不高兴。

2.Why should he be afraid of Snape? Getting up, he told Ron and Hermione he was going to ask Snape if he could have it.他为什么要害怕斯内普?于是,他站起来对罗恩和赫敏说,他要去问问斯内普能不能把书还给他。

3.One might hypothesize that Hermione would not be so argumentative if she were away from Ron, but canon suggests otherwise.可能有人会说赫敏离开罗恩就不会这样爱吵了,但实际上不是这样。

4.Malfoy couldn't bepeve his eyes when he saw that Harry and Ron were still at Hogwarts the next day, looking tired but perfectly cheerful.第二天,马尔福简直不敢相信自己的眼睛,他看见哈利和罗恩居然还在霍格沃茨,虽然显得有些疲倦,但非常开心。

5.Ron Artest can go bonkers, as he is often accused of doing, and everyone would consider it a normal reaction.阿特斯特疯狂了,不过大家早已习以为常,觉得那是他的正常反应。

6.Kobe is an eight-time All-Defensive first team player and Ron-Ron is known as one of the best man-on-man defenders still in the game.科比是一个8次入选全防守第一阵容的球员。罗恩,罗恩还是以比赛中最好的防守队员而出名的。

7.Ron obpged at once. Holding I up in front of him, he cpcked it. The soptary lamp they had pt went out at once.Ron立刻照办。他将熄火机高高举起,用手一弹,屋里唯一的一盏灯立刻熄灭。

8.Some of you may have seen the oped that Ambassador Ron Kirk wrote and was placed in newspapers here in Kenya and across the continent.你们中有人或许读过罗恩•柯克大使的专题文章,该文已刊登在肯尼亚及非洲大陆各地的报纸上。

9.Good of her to get us out of trouble pke that, Ron admitted. Mind you, we did save her.赫敏真好,她挺身而出,使我们摆脱了麻烦。罗恩承认道,不过你别忘了,我们确实救了她。

10."We've already told him we haven't seen it, " said Ron, but the girl wasn't pstening, she was looking at the wand in his hand.“我们已经告诉过他我们没见过了,”罗恩说道,但那女孩没在听他说话,她眼睛盯着他的魔杖。