




1.同情 ... pat- pitty 同情(本意)相同的感情: 同情(衍生)(近似) tal-tall 的: 才干(衍生)天才(近 …




1.Give her to me, Archie. Yes, I can carry her. Miss Pitty, go ahead with a lamp.阿尔奇,你把她给我,我能抱得动,皮蒂小姐,您拿着灯去带路。

2.A glance at Aunt Pitty's plump guileless face, screwed up in a pout, told her that the old lady was as ignorant as she.看一看皮蒂姑妈那胖乎乎的善良的脸,皱着眉,撅着嘴,就知道她和自己一样莫名其妙。

3.Melanie: Aunt Pitty, you know Scarlett came here only to help raise money for the cause.梅兰妮:琵蒂姑妈,斯佳丽到这儿,只为了替我们的保卫战筹钱。

4.Of course, I did, and all the way home he blessed me out and wouldn't let me ex plain and said he was going to tell Aunt Pitty.当我上了车,他便一路上没完没了地骂我,也不让我解释一句,还说他要去告诉皮蒂姑妈。

5.As for Aunt Pitty, she was nervously trying to stifle a belch, for the rooster they had had for supper was a tough old bird.至于皮蒂姑妈,她正神经质地强忍着不要打出嗝来,因为他们那天晚餐吃的是一只硬邦邦的老公鸡。

6.She had seen wounded men in the hospitals, wounded men on Aunt Pitty's lawn after the fighting at the creek, but never anything pke this.她曾在医院里接触过许多伤兵,桃树沟战役又在皮蒂姑妈家的草地上看见过一些,可是还没见过这样的情景。

7.Aunt Pitty: Uncle Peter, look out for that trunk!琵帝姑妈:彼得大叔,看好那只皮箱!

8.AUNT PITTY: Oh dear, oh dear, where are my smelpng salts? I think I shall faint.贝蒂姨妈:噢,天啊,我的嗅盐呢?我觉得自己要晕了。

9.Mrs. Elsing and Fanny sleep in the parlor and Hugh in the attic, " explained Pitty, who knew the domestic arrangements of all her friends. "“埃尔辛太太和范妮住在厅里,休住在阁楼上,”皮蒂解释说,她是了解所有朋友们的家务安排的。

10.What a shame Aunt Pitty had no other gloves than the ones now on her fat hands!多寒碜,皮蒂姑妈除了她那双胖手上戴的手套以外便没有别的手套了!