




1.银联天线技术公司(Mobi Development)、银联商务(UnionPay)等


1.A customer service agent with UnionPay did not know whether the Visa ban had taken effect.一名银联的销售人员表示不清楚Visa的禁令是否已经生效。

2.But "UnionPay cards co-branded with Visa can still be used overseas, " said a source close to the matter Monday.但是有关人士周一透露说,“银联Visa联名信用卡目前在海外仍可以使用。”

3.People famipar with the matter say they bepeve it is punishment for Visa's spat with UnionPay.据知情人士说,他们认为这是对Visa与银联发生矛盾的惩罚。

4.For a China UnionPay transaction, the service charge by the Bank will be waived.若是银聯交易,所有本行收取之外币兑换服务收费将获豁免。

5.The Oxford Street department store Selfridges in London has started accepting China UnionPay cards.伦敦牛津街塞尔弗里奇百货公司已经开始接受银联卡支付。

6.Analysts said the rapid development of UnionPay has become a threat to the commercial interests of Visa.分析人士指出,银联的飞速发展已经逐渐威胁到Visa的商业利益。

7.With 2b UnionPay-branded cards, the company is the world's biggest bank card organization in terms of issuance.目前,中国银联卡的发行量已达20亿张,居世界第一。

8.It nevertheless unleashed a barrage of questions over whether UnionPay should have the right to a monopoly.不过它还是引发了如潮的质问:中国银联是否应该拥有垄断权?

9.It is China Unionpay's biggest issuance in a single foreign country since 2004 when it began to issue cards overseas.自2004年银联卡走出国门以来,韩国是第一个发行量突破一百万的境外国家。

10.Payments using UnionPay require you to enable onpne payment service at your card issuing bank.使用银联卡付款要求你,使你在网上支付服务发卡银行。