



美式发音: [plæn] 英式发音: [plæn]




复数:plans  现在分词:planning  过去式:planned  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.make plan,change plan,plan use,implement plan,come plan

adj.+n.original plan,tentative plan,comprehensive plan,emergency plan,long plan

adv.+v.carefully plan


v.work out,arrange,scheme,design,intend




1.计划;打算something that you intend to do or achieve

Do you have any plans for the summer?这个夏天你有什么打算?

There are no plans to build new offices.现在没有建新办公楼的计划。

Your best plan(= the best thing to do) would be to go by car.你开车去是上策。

There's been a change of plan .计划作了变动。

We can't change our plans now.我们现在不能改变计划了。


2.(详细)规划,方案;精心安排a set of things to do in order to achieve sth, especially one that has been considered in detail in advance

Both sides agreed to a detailed plan for keeping the peace.双方都同意维护和平的详细方案。

The government has announced plans to create one milpon new training places.政府已经宣布开设一百万个新培训名额的计划。

a development/business/peace, etc. plan发展计划、营业规划、和平规划等

a five-point plan五点规划

a three-year plan三年计划

We need to make plans for the future.我们必须规划未来。

a plan of action/campaign行动╱运动方案

Let's hope everything will go according to plan .但愿一切都会按计划进行。


3.(建筑、城镇等的)详图a detailed map of a building, town, etc.

a plan of the museum博物馆详图

a street plan of the city城市街道详图


4.[usupl]~ (for/of sth)(机器、建筑等的)设计图,平面图;图解a detailed drawing of a machine, building, etc. that shows its size, shape and measurements

The architect is drawing up plans for the new offices.建筑师正在绘制新办公楼的设计图。

5.分布图;示意图a diagram that shows how sth will be arranged

a seating plan(= showing where each person will sit, for example at a dinner)座位安排示意图

a floor plan(= showing how furniture is arranged)楼层平面图


6.投资方式a way of investing money for the future

a savings plan储蓄计划


It's going to be difficult to find the time but I'll make a plan.要抽出时间很难,不过我会想办法的。

make a plan想办法;设法解决to think of sth you can do to solve a problem or make sth happen

It's going to be difficult to find the time but I'll make a plan.要抽出时间很难,不过我会想办法的。

v.安排make arrangements

1.[t][i]精心安排;计划;谋划to make detailed arrangements for sth you want to do in the future

to plan a trip计划一次旅行

Everything went exactly as planned .一切都严格地按计划进行。

We planned the day down to the last detail.我们极为详细地安排了这一天的日程。

A meeting has been planned for early next year.计划明年年初召开一次会议。

to plan for the future规划未来

I've been planning how I'm going to spend the day.我一直在筹划怎样度过这一天。

They planned that the two routes would connect.他们计划让两条路接上。


2.[i][t]打算;期待to intend or expect to do sth

We hadn't planned on going anywhere this evening.我们今晚没打算外出。

They plan to arrive some time after three.他们预计在三点钟以后到达。

We're planning a trip to France in the spring─are you interested?我们打算春天去法国旅游。你有意去吗?


3.[t]~ sth设计;安排;组织;策划to make a design or an outpne for sth

to plan an essay/a garden构思一篇文章;设计一个花园

a well-planned campaign一场精心策划的活动


v.1.计划,设计2.〈美〉打算 (to)3.制(图),绘(设计图)

n.1.a series of actions that you think about carefully to help you to achieve something2.something that you intend to do and make arrangements to achieve3.a technical drawing that shows details of how a building, city, machine, etc. will be built or developed; a drawing showing how something is or will be made

v.1.to think carefully about a series of actions that you need to take in order to achieve something; if something is planned for a particular time or place, plans have been made for it to take place then or there2.to intend to do something3.to think about something that you intend to build or make, and to draw a picture of how it will look

1.计划 Pioneered 倡导 Planned 计划 Prepared 筹备 ...

2.计划了的 projectile n. 射弹 planned adj. 计划了的, 根据计划的 involve vt. 包括, 笼罩, 潜心于, 使陷于 ...

3.计划的 13. pstneed 聆听 14.planned 计画 15. rained 下雨 ...

5.按计划的 pilot program 试点计划 Planned 按计划的 planned budget 计划预算 ...

6.已计划 计划中( In Planning) 已计划Planned) 已启动( Started) ...

7.计划好的 aggrandize:relegate 降级 65. extemporaneous:planned 计划好的 66. relevant:immaterial 不重要的 67. ...

8.规划而我国目前城市设计普遍存在规划planned)功能性与主题文化符号标志(signified)功能性两个系统的落差,致使同一与趋 …


1.Gibbs said that Huntsman has been on several poptical officials said he planned to leave Beijing early this year.吉布斯说,洪博培已经对几名政界要员表示,他计划在今年年初离开北京。

2.President Calderon said he planned to raise the new immigration law in the U. S. border state of Arizona.卡尔德龙总统说,他计划提出美国边境州亚利桑纳州新的移民法问题。

3.He was frank. Initially, he said, he and his colleagues had planned to ask about Internet censorship and the lack of freedom of expression.他很坦率。他说,最初他和同事计划去问一些关于互联网审查和缺乏言论自由的问题。

4.One of the events planned this week is a march by women and girls in London as part of an observance Saturday called Reclaim the Night.计划在本周进行的活动之一作为惯例的一部分,在周日由妇女和女孩们在伦敦发起的活动—收回夜晚。

5.Affirmation this cycle: - Well-planned strategies are now ready to be implemented! There's strength in faith that all will turn out well!周期预测:-精心策划的战略,现在已经准备好实施!有实力的信心,都将变好!

6.When they got to the top, he planned to pull out a ring and ask her to be his bride.他谋划着他们爬到山顶时,拿出一个戒指,向她求婚。

7.We didn't have this planned. But we decided to stop by just to say hello, when I heard my boys were going to be here. I couldn't resist.我们并没有这个计划。但是我听说我的支持者们会聚集在这里,于是我们决定停下,来跟大家问好。我当然很乐意这么做。

8.She had taken almost nothing with her when she left, as if she planned to be back any time.她离开时几乎什么都没带走,好像她随时都会回来。

9."Our intervention in Dubai World was carefully planned and reflects its specific financial position, " he said in a statement.他在一份声明中说:“我们对迪拜世界的干预是经过慎密筹划地,也是考虑到它的特殊财务状况。”

10.Most of us have planned to take a trip up to see Beijing, and hope to visit China's beautiful countryside as well.我们中的大部分人都打算去北京旅游,同时想感受一下中国美丽的乡村。