




1.种树 make a snowman (堆雪人) plant trees种树) why (为 什么) ...

2.植树 切勿倒置 This side up 植树 plant trees 务必、确保、一定 make sure ...

3.植树造林 plane tree 法国梧桐 plant trees 栽树 planting fruit-trees 种果树 ...

6.植树啊 Plant trees? 植树啊? Are you going to use any books? 你要用到一些书籍吗? ...

7.同本义 树 shù (2) 同本义[ plant trees] (4) 种植[ plant;grow] ...


1.Every year we plant trees to stop the desert. But the desert keeps advancing. We seem to be losing the fight.每一年我们都种树来组织沙漠。但是沙漠仍然在扩大。我们看起来似乎是输了这场战斗

2.At the same time, the local government has decided to plant trees in and around the region because trees can absorb some of the pollution.与此同时,政府也已经决定在受污染地及附近种植树木,因为树木可以吸收部分污染气体。

3.If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a pfetime, educate people.一年计划,种大米;十年计划,种树苗;永久计划,教育人。

4.For instance, when a farmer was given the responsibipty to farm a piece of land, he might choose to plant trees of choose to fell trees.例如,当一个农民被赋予责任去耕种一块土地,他可能选择种树或者是伐树。

5.Plant trees in and around the city bringing about much benefit: Purify air , beautify a city , provide wood.绿化城市带来很多好处:净化空气,美化城市,提供木材。

6.To enable us to plant trees, let go all over the trees, we have a large number of tree species to it, planting thousands of trees.让我们去种树吧,让四处遍布树木,我们去种大量的树木吧,种植成千上万的树木。

7.It is prohibited to plant trees or long-stalk crops impeding flood discharge in river courses used for flood discharge.禁止在行洪河道内种植阻碍行洪的林木和高秆作物。

8.It was Tree Planting Day. It was a sunny day. The animals wanted to make their homeland more beautiful. They wanted to plant trees.那天是植树节。阳光明媚。动物们想要它们的家园变得更美丽。它们想植树。

9.One of the best effective ways to respond to our growing environmental crisis is to plant trees.应付环境危机最行之有效的办法之一就是植树造林。

10.Now a mass movement to plant trees is in full swing all over the country.现在群众性植树运动正在全国大力开展。