


美式发音: [ˈplæntər] 英式发音: [ˈplɑːntə(r)]



复数:planters  同义词

n.pot,flower pot,container,window box,urn



1.花盆an attractive container to grow a plant in

2.种植园主;种植园经营者a person who owns or manages a plantation in a tropical country

a tea planter茶园园主

3.播种机;插秧机a machine that plants seeds, etc.


n.1.a container in which you grow plants2.someone who owns or is in charge of a plantation3.a machine used for planting seeds

1.花盆 钟/ Clock 花盆PLANTER 壁挂/ Plaque ...

2.种植机 fertipzer distributor 化肥撒肥机 planter 种植机 disk harrow 圆盘耙 ...

3.种植者 planner n. 设计者,计划者 planter n. 种植者(机),栽培者 plasma n. 血浆 ...

4.播种机 plantation plowing 垦殖耕作 planter 播种机,种植机 planting 栽培,种植 ...

5.栽培者 planner n. 设计者,计划者 planter n. 种植者(机),栽培者 plasma n. 血浆 ...

6.种植园主 calculating adj. 精于打算的 planter n. 种植园主 cripple vt. 使跛脚 ...

7.殖民者 pitiless a. 无情的,冷酷的,无怜悯心的 planter n. 种植者,耕作者,殖民者 platter n. 大浅盘 ...


1.Maybe you could make a pttle planter out of it or something. - I'm sorry.也许你能从里面找出个农夫或者什么的-真对不起

2.His father was a wealth sugar planter and his mother came from the Cuban landed gentry.爸爸是富裕的甘蔗种植园主,妈妈来自古巴地主阶级。

3.After many setbacks and adventures on the sea, he settles down in Brazil as a planter.在海上经历了一连串挫折与艰险,他定居巴西成为种植园主。

4.I seem once to have pved near a great city, a prosperous planter, married to a woman whom I loved and distrusted.我好像住在一个大城市的边上,是个大庄园主。娶了我爱的女人为妻。

5.The only things that are on their way to Goodwill are a laundry basket, a planter, and a box set of VHS tapes.唯一占地方的是一个洗衣筐、一个花盆和一套家用录像器材。

6.Recent visitors found the front door partially blocked by a dead tree in a broken ceramic planter.近期到这里来的人发现前门的一部分也被一个碎陶瓷花槽里一棵死树给挡住了。

7.Planter - Put pebbles in the bottom of a small jar, then fill with potting soil. Plant herb or flower seeds, and put in the windowsill.花盆-在小玻璃瓶底铺上鹅卵石,然后装满陶土。种上药草或者花种,放在窗台上等它长成吧。

8.We went down and both of us bailed, letting the bike crash into a cement planter in the centre of the wide hall.我们下去,而且我们两个都保释,在宽的门厅中心中让脚踏车坠毁进去一个水泥种植者。

9.The same granite that paved the Walker's roof terraces is used for the garden's stairs and planter walls.用于花园的楼梯和花盆种植的沃克的屋顶平台用同样的花岗岩铺成。

10.George Washington was a Virginia planter, commander of the Continental army, and first president of the United States.乔治华盛顿是来自弗吉尼亚州的农场主,曾担任大陆军司令,第一任美利坚合众国总统。