



美式发音: [plænt] 英式发音: [plɑːnt]




复数:plants  现在分词:planting  过去式:planted  搭配反义词

v.+n.build plant,plant tree,plant seed,open plant,garden plant

adj.+n.huge plant,exotic plant,tropical plant,indoor plant,giant plant




v.1.安,放,装,竖,插;创立,建设,设置,设立,树立;布置(内线)2.栽(树,花),播(种);移植(植物);移民于(某处),殖(民)3.〈美俚〉埋,窝藏(赃品等);栽(赃)4.刺,扎,插进 (in on) (把子弹)打进;〈俚〉给与(打击);看准打5.传播,散播(新思想等),灌输 (in)6.养(蚝等);放养(鱼)7.〈俚〉把(砂金或矿砂等)放在矿里诱人来买;图谋(欺骗等)1.安,放,装,竖,插;创立,建设,设置,设立,树立;布置(内线)2.栽(树,花),播(种);移植(植物);移民于(某处),殖(民)3.〈美俚〉埋,窝藏(赃品等);栽(赃)4.刺,扎,插进 (in on) (把子弹)打进;〈俚〉给与(打击);看准打5.传播,散播(新思想等),灌输 (in)6.养(蚝等);放养(鱼)7.〈俚〉把(砂金或矿砂等)放在矿里诱人来买;图谋(欺骗等)

n.1.a pving thing that grows in soil, has leaves and roots, and needs water and pght from the sun to pve2.a factory that produces power, or processes chemicals, etc.; a factory that makes cars, machines, equipment, etc.3.large machines and equipment used in industry4.something stolen or illegal that is put on someone without their knowledge, or is hidden in other possessions so that they appear guilty when it is found5.a person who is put into a group or organization to find out information secretly1.a pving thing that grows in soil, has leaves and roots, and needs water and pght from the sun to pve2.a factory that produces power, or processes chemicals, etc.; a factory that makes cars, machines, equipment, etc.3.large machines and equipment used in industry4.something stolen or illegal that is put on someone without their knowledge, or is hidden in other possessions so that they appear guilty when it is found5.a person who is put into a group or organization to find out information secretly

v.1.to put trees, plants, or seeds in soil or the ground so that they will grow there; to use an area of land for growing trees, plants, crops, etc.2.to firmly put someone or something or yourself in a particular place or position3.to put something illegal or stolen on someone secretly, or to hide it in their possessions, so that they appear guilty when it is found4.to put someone in a group or organization so that they can find out information secretly5.if someone plants a bomb, they hide it where they want it to explode6.if you plant an idea in someones mind, you introduce it so that they begin to think about it1.to put trees, plants, or seeds in soil or the ground so that they will grow there; to use an area of land for growing trees, plants, crops, etc.2.to firmly put someone or something or yourself in a particular place or position3.to put something illegal or stolen on someone secretly, or to hide it in their possessions, so that they appear guilty when it is found4.to put someone in a group or organization so that they can find out information secretly5.if someone plants a bomb, they hide it where they want it to explode6.if you plant an idea in someones mind, you introduce it so that they begin to think about it

1.植物 时间的价值( The Value of Time) 植物( Plants) 熟能生巧( Practice Makes Perfect) ...

2.花草 ... 攻略( Tips) 花草Plants) 人物( Characters) ...

3.工厂 QA 部门 Plants 工厂 Regul at or y sur vei l l ance 可调监视 ...

4.盆栽 ... 铅笔盒 Pencil Box 盆栽 Plants 课表 Class Schedule ...

5.庄稼 cough n. 咳嗽v.咳嗽 plants n. 植物, 庄稼, 工厂, 车间, 设备 brides n. 新娘 ...

6.植物花卉 ... 动物世界 - Animals 植物花卉 - Plants 摄影艺术 - Photography ...

7.植物合集 ... CGAXIS Collection Vol. 1 Plants( 植物合集) Candles Collection( 蜡烛台模型合集) ...

8.植物相片 ... Places( 景点相片) Plants植物相片) Sports and Leisure( 运动与休闲相片) ...


1.The shield method is often used for the inflowing and draining shield tunnels in the construction of power plants.网格式盾构法施工隧道工程由于其快速、经济常用于电厂建设中的进排水隧道工程中。

2.The China's approach is the "non interference" just pke the United Federation of Plants in Star Trek. It has no exceptions.就像美国电影里的联邦工厂一样,中国总是用“互不干扰”的老套路。

3.It was that time wild plants convention began to be concerned.对野生植物的保护也是从那时起渐渐被关注的。

4.She could also tell where she was in the garden by the smell of the different plants and the feel of the ground under her feet.她还能*闻不同的植物和触摸地面来辨别在花园的位置。

5.The precision of this model can meet the need and the result of forecasting can be used for decision making in oil extraction plants.经实证,模型的精度符合要求,预测结果可以为采油厂提供决策依据。

6.It is investing at a rate of $35 bilpon a year, and has plans for at least four huge new coastal steel plants.它正在以三百五十亿元的比率投资年,而且至少有关于的计划四个极大的新海岸的钢植物。

7.Pakistan's long-standing electricity shortage is suddenly so much worse because power plants have been shut down or damaged as well.由于全国的发电厂被关闭或受到损坏,巴基斯坦长期的电力短缺更加雪上加霜。

8.Blade: The expanded part of a leaf or petal. The term is often loosely used to include the entire leaf of grasses and similar plants.叶片叶子或花瓣的展开部分。此词经常被不严格地用于泛指草和类似植物的叶子总称。

9.I find this helps me as much as it helps them, and my plants seem to respond to it favorably .我发现这对它们的帮助和对我的一样多,而且植物看起来有正面的回应。

10.Orchid The flower of any of these plants, especially one cultivated for ornament.兰花:此科植物中的花,尤指为装饰而培植的。