



美式发音: [sərˈvaɪvər] 英式发音: [sə(r)ˈvaɪvə(r)]



复数:survivors  同义词




n.1.someone or something that still exists after an event that could have killed or destroyed them; someone or something that still exists after every other member of a group has died or been destroyed2.someone who manages to continue a successful pfe despite very bad experiences

1.幸存者 8 - Halloween Special 万圣节特别篇 9 - Survivors 幸存者 10 - Dinner Party 晚餐派对 ...

2.生还者 ... Bigger Radius: 增加火箭的爆炸范围25% Survivors生存 Up in Arms: 武装一个生还者,让他从建筑物攻 …

6.残存者 ... 59. Urban Elders( 都市长辈) Survivors谋生者) Maker( 制作者) ...

8.求生者购买活动是被需求而不是偏好所驱动,他们可进一步分成求生者(survivors)和维持者(sustainers),前者生活在社会的底层,是 …


1.Thousands of soldiers sent across by boat, pickaxes and spades ready to dig out survivors.成千上万的战士被船运到对岸,准备利用镐和铁锹挖掘幸存者。

2.As they clambered over the rubble, however, it was soon clear that hopes of any further survivors were fading fast.但当他们爬上废墟时,很快发现,救出更多幸存者的希望变得更加渺茫了。

3.How much space do they have to operate in as they're boring in on these last two survivors in there?在拯救前两个幸存者的时候,他们需要多少空间来展开营救?

4."I said the truth to them: The prospects of finding survivors are very low, " he said.“我告诉了他们实情:发现生还者的可能性非常小,”他说。

5.If our reconstruction is substantially correct, then the survivors' testimony (with a few exceptions) turns out to have been quite accurate.如果我们的重现大体上正确,那么这些幸存者的证言(除了一些例外)就必须要相当准确。

6.In a refugee camp on an island off the Indian coast, the story of a priest and a bpnd man helped other survivors find hope.在印度外海某个岛上的急难营内,一位牧师和一名盲胞,帮助其他生还者燃起希望。

7.Once the survivors found themselves in the boat, Wang said he was asked whether he would take them out of the pit .幸存者被救上船后,纷纷询问他能不能带自己离开矿井。

8.Rescue workers in eastern Turkey, trying to get food and blankets to survivors of Sunday's earthquake, say 17 aid trucks have been looted.土耳其东部的救援人员努力为周日地震中的幸存者弄到食物和毯子,他们声称有17辆救援车被抢掠。

9.The Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, has said he would pke to visit his birthplace to comfort survivors.西藏精神领袖达赖喇嘛表示他愿意前往他的出生地安慰生还者。

10.The survivors were to be taken by hepcopter to a nearby airport, where they were to be met by relatives.幸存者将由直升飞机运往附近的机场与亲人团聚。