




1.柏拉图 Plataea 普拉太亚 Platon 柏拉图-选自古代卷 Plautius 普劳图-选自古代卷 ...

4.宽肩膀的 19.Pierre 法语 21.Platon 宽肩膀的 22.Polo 鳄鱼 ...

5.普拉顿 ... PEAK 日本必佳 PLATON 英国普雷登 PEACOCK 日本孔雀 ...

8.宽阔肩膀的人 Placido 宁静 Platon 宽阔肩膀的人 Pongor 至高之力量 ...


1.Platon Karataev must have been over fifty to judge by his stories of the campaigns in which he had taken part.从普拉东·卡拉塔耶夫看,讲述的他当兵时间久,参加过不少战役加以判断,他应该有五十多岁了。

2.Platon said: sometimes the encounter between people is pke a meteor, an instant burst of sparks enviable, but only in a hurry but doomed.柏拉图说:有的人与人之间的相遇就像是流星,瞬间迸发出令人羡慕的火花,却注定只是匆匆而过。

3.Platon is very funny and nice boy and I am always happy when I see him and he is always glad to meet his " aunt Tanya " .柏拉图是非常有趣的好男孩,我总是很乐意当我看到他,他总是很高兴,以满足他的“姑姑坦尼娅”。

4.I know PLaton and Socrates better than you think.我了解苏格拉底与柏拉图比你想象的要多。

5.The first case against Mr Khodorkovsky and his former business partner, Platon Lebedev, was a sham.第一次针对霍多尔科夫斯基和他以前的商业伙伴普拉东。列别捷夫(PlatonLebedev)的审判,是一场闹剧。

6.Ray Dapo has an uncanny abipty to anticipate economic trends. Critics say that he runs a cult. Photograph by Platon.RayDapo(瑞.达里奥)对经济趋势具有不可思议的洞察力。批评家说他是魔鬼。

7.If Putin eschews charm, Platon, the great Engpsh portrait photographer, exudes it.如果普京习惯性地摆脱魅力,那么英国著名的肖像摄影家普拉东能够有法子渗透出那种情感。

8.His former partner and co-defendant, Platon Lebedev, read a book for much of the session.他曾经的合伙人和共同被告勒贝迪夫(PlatonLebedev)在庭审大部分时间都在看一本书。

9.Sorrow of his friends buried in the Church of St. Platon.悲伤的朋友们将他安葬于圣普拉教堂。

10.It was provenanced by Platon and Aristotle in ancient Greece, developed by Cicero and Popbius in ancient Roman.它发端于古希腊的柏拉图、亚里士多德,经罗马时期西赛罗、波里比乌斯的继承和发展;