



美式发音: [ˈpleɪˌbɔɪ] 英式发音: ['pleɪ.bɔɪ]






n.1.a man who is rich and spends his time enjoying himself instead of working

1.玩家 ... ultra-luxury cars 顶级豪华轿车 playboys 此处应为 玩家 fsz 发表于 2013-4-24 02:53 ...

2.寻欢作乐的女子 ... (口)寻欢作乐的女子 playboy (口)寻欢作乐的女子 playboys 狂饮作乐的 bacchanapan ...

3.再见有情天 ... 玩具兵团 Toys 再见有情天 Playboys, 不能自拔 Denial ...

4.京油子落后的库伦,他们已在纸醉金迷的北京,做了三百年的‘京油子(playboys)。要他们再回到库伦去搞独立,搞自治,实在是口是 …


1.Woman on yacht: It's all so boring here, Margo-there's nothing but playboys and tennis pros. If only I could find a real man. . .游艇上的女人:这处真闷啊,马高--这儿除了花花公子和网球手外什麽也没有。如果能找到一个猛男……

2.Liars, exploiters, playboys, gold diggers they exist on the Internet, just as they exist in real pfe.就像实际生活中一样,爱说谎的人、利用他人者、花花公子以及靠美色骗取钱财的人也存在于互联网上。

3.Linda: It's all so boring here, Margo - there's nothing but playboys and tennis pros.琳达:马戈,这太无聊了,除了花花公子就是网球专家。

4.Gordon: You might say that he was the captain of the playboys .戈登:你应该说他是所有花花公子的头儿。

5.Her unconventional attitude and charismatic joie de vivre made her an attractive companion for affluent young playboys.她特立独行的态度加上号召力十足的生活乐趣,使她成为极受纨绔子弟们喜爱的同伴。

6.A maiden with a pure heart coming across playboys is commonly seen in TV series.纯情少女遇上花心汉是电视剧中常用的情节。

7.The two playboys, scared by this virtuous but unyielding girl, tried to marry her off as soon as possible.这两个花花公子,这个良性但不屈的女孩吓坏了,试图把她嫁出去,尽快关闭。

8.He got in with a group of playboys and failed two freshman courses.他与一群花花公子交上了朋友,以至大学一年级两门课程不合格。

9.he tournament, started 27 years ago by two Britons, draws a colorful following of playboys, aristocrats and elephant connoisseurs.这项赛事起源于27年前,由两位英国人首创,它吸引了形形色色的花花公子,贵族和大象的专家。

10.Elsewhere theyareportrayed as playboys with no domestic ties.还有些地方把他们描述为没有家庭关系的花花公子。