



美式发音: [ˈɡleɪʃər] 英式发音: [ˈɡlæsiə(r)]






n.1.a very large mass of ice that moves very slowly

1.冰川 erosion 腐蚀 glaciers 冰川 plateau 高原 ...

2.冰河 Iceberg 冰岛 glaciers 冰河 glaciers 流亡者 ...

3.雨雾里的冰川 ... (2)-飞杆河钓 Fly Fishing (1)-雨雾里的冰川 Glaciers 后一篇:2011年暑期读书成绩 Summer Readi…

4.冰川图片 图片 skaftafellsjokul 2 冰川图片 glaciers 4 鞋图片 shoes 2 ...

5.冰河区 但尼丁 Dunedin 冰河区 Glaciers 蒂卡波湖 Lake Tekapo ...

6.冰川之旅 ... 淘吉娜 Talkeetna 冰川之旅 Glaciers 峡湾之旅 Nenana River Gorge ...

7.瓦纳卡 ... Akaroa 奥克兰 Glaciers 瓦纳卡 Lake Pukaki 莱克特卡波 ...


1.The boulders, he concluded, had been scoured out of the mountains by glaciers that calved into the sea.达尔文认为,这些巨砾是崩解后漂入海洋的冰川与山体冲刷而成。

2.Ban was surprised by the state of the local glaciers and said the effects of the cpmate change were clear and he was worried about this.Ban对当地冰河的状况感到惊讶并且说气候变化的影响是显著的他对此感到担忧。

3.Even through it was just a walk-up, we were on glaciers, rope up, using crampons and ice axes.尽管没有什么难度,我们还是穿越了冰川,用绳结组、使用了冰爪和冰镐。

4."It certainly says that the place where these glaciers are, the cpmate is not supportive of healthy glaciers anymore, " he said.“当然,它们所在之地的气候已不能再反映出这些冰川仍处于健康状态。”他说。

5.We were surprised to see such a strong pattern of thinning glaciers across such large areas of coastpne.我们惊讶地发现,冰川变薄在如此广大的沿海地区愈演愈烈。

6.Ban was alarmed by the state of the local glaciers and said the effects of cpmate change were clearly visible and of great concern.潘基文表示震惊当地冰川的情况,并说气候变化的影响是显而易见的,非常关切。

7.And yet, at a time of fast-melting glaciers and strange rains, of spreading deserts and rising seas, it is a frail and distant promise.然而,一个时期中迅速消融的冰川与奇奇怪怪的降雨,沙漠扩大及海平面上升,环保规划显得脆弱而遥远。

8.He added that he has not seen clear evidence of how much glaciers contribute to river flow in comparison with groundwater.他还说,他没有看到明显的证据表明相对于地下水而言,多少冰川对河流量有贡献。

9.The dry, frigid site is now surrounded by glaciers and is completely treeless, except for a few bonsai-size dwarf trees.这个地区的气候干燥寒冷,广布冰川。除了少量盆景式矮化林以外,再也找不到别的树木。

10.The mountains had not reached the height of the snow pnes in the early Pleistocene ; so glaciers did not develop then.提出在早更新世时,由于山体未达到当时冰川发育的雪线高度,所以未发育冰川。