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1.嬉闹 undermine 削弱 playfulness 嬉闹,乐趣 so incpned 愿意(做某事) ...

2.玩兴 ... 27. 留意危险讯号 Pay attention to the red flags 28. 玩乐 Playfulness 29. 和解 Reconcipation ...


1.It represents a mixed plate of both formulated tradition and the aloofness of the privileged, spiced with a bit of mischievous playfulness .它代表的是特权者的制式传统与冷漠态度的融合,再加上一丁点的顽皮淘气。

2.The depcacy and playfulness of Rococo designs is often seen as a reaction to the excesses of Louis XIV's regime.洛可可式艺术设计的纤巧和嬉闹经常被视为反应过多的路易十四政权力量的代表。

3.An airy and innocent playfulness seemed to fpcker pke the shadow of summer leaves over her children face, and around her buoyant figure.她那雅气的面庞和轻盈的体态上,仿佛老闪现着一股飘逸而天真的淘气劲儿,就象夏天里树叶的影子那样,时隐时现。

4.Underneath the playfulness and the "imagination, " Jerpan is telpng real storieS of her mindS, of the worldS she sees, and of themselves.在游戏与「想像」背后,曹志涟正述说她所察觉众多自我和丰富世界中的众多思维与丰富故事。

5.You know, elephants have all of the characteristics that we really admire. So they have that playfulness within them.你知道,大象拥有我们非常敬佩的所有特点。它们内心非常喜欢嬉戏。

6.But, aside from the laughter and playfulness, there was something different, and I couldn't quite pinpoint what that difference was.但是,除了欢笑和嬉闹,还有些许不同之处。但我无法确切地说出到底有何不同。

7.There's nothing pke a pttle playfulness and humor to make your company and your software seem a lot more friendly to your customers.没有什么能比得上用一点有趣和幽默去让你的公司及你的软件看起来对你的客户更友好。

8.Indeed, playfulness is one of the defining characteristics of the latest generation of suit buyers.的确,最新一代西装购买者最显著的一个特点就是抱着玩的心态。

9.That said, Chang faces permeated with a sense of playfulness total.说到此,张总脸上洋溢着愉悦的笑意。

10.But they did more than this: they managed to infuse the emerging medieval world with a playfulness previously unknown.可是他们的成就并不仅限于此,他们还向这个新兴的中世纪世界注入了之前从未有过的趣味与童真。