

yellow star

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1.黄色星星 Kite和Mezzo forte外,剩下的就是《黄色星星》(Yellow Star),这是个毫无养分的纯H向动画,不过要说明的是Yellow Star的 …

2.黄星 (White Dog) 白犬 (Yellow Star黄星 (White Wizard) 白巫师 ...

3.黄色星号)以及詹妮弗•罗伊(Jennifer Roy)的《黄色星号》(Yellow Star)等。

4.黄色星形 star 形 yellow star 黄色星形 rectangle 长方形 ...

5.黄色五角星 肥皂泡 SOAP BUBBLES 黄色五角星 YELLOW STAR 鱼扎带 FISH TIES ...

6.木马 ... [木马][ Muma] [木马][ Yellow Star (EP)] [脑浊][ American Dreamer] ...

7.黄星星 ... witch’s hat 女巫的帽子 yellow star 黄星星 zebra 斑马 ...

8.黄色之星 A Kite 全集 Yellow Star 黄色之星 MEZZO FORTE 全集 ...


1."Our repubpc must not become a mosaic of communities, " she said. "Nobody must have to wear the yellow star again. "甚至一位阿尔及利亚出身的政府官员还说:「我国千万不能成为马赛克拼贴式的社群,再也没有人需要配戴黄色星章。」

2.Ask children to come to the board and draw decorations on it: a red bauble, a yellow star, a blue angel, a green present, etc.让学生到黑板前来,给圣诞树上画一些装饰物:红色的小玩意、黄色的星、蓝色的小天使、绿色的礼物,等等。

3.Called a money-grubbing Jew for marrying Sakharov (a frequent slur), she longed for a yellow star to blazon on her coat.和萨哈罗夫结婚后,她常被诽谤为嗜钱如命的犹太人,听到此,她极想用一颗黄星(注释二)装饰她的大衣。

4.By default, Gmail ships with one yellow star to help you better keep track of and call out important emails.默认情况下,GMail只提供一种黄色的星星标记让您来更好的追踪和查阅那些重要邮件。

5.People's Repubpc of China national flag to the red-flag symbol of revolution, a yellow star, said the Chinese nation for the yellow race.中华人民共和国国旗旗面为红色象征革命,星呈黄色,表示中华民族为黄色人种。

6.creeping evergreen shrub with bright yellow star-shaped summer flowers; useful as ground cover .一种爬地的常绿灌木,夏季开花,花星状、呈鲜艳的黄色;作为一种地被植物。

7.But look! It still has the yellow star on top of it.不过,瞧呀,它上面还缀着那颗金色的星呢。

8.The yellow star is not a yellow star, it's a princess fairy!那不是星星,是一个仙女公主!

9.Plants such as this Yellow Star Thistle are competing with native plants in Yosemite.像黄星蓟这样的植物正与约塞米蒂土生土长的植物在竞争。

10.Look! A yellow star!看,黄色的星星!