




1.气候宜人 ... ) Indian summer 宜人气候 ) pleasant weather 气候宜人 ) Pleasantness weather extent 气候宜人度 ...

2.令人愉快的天气 ... eg:We are very pleased with his work. 我们对他的工作很满意。 pleasant weather 令人愉快的天气 ...

3.宜人的天气 顺便说一下 by the way 宜人的天气 pleasant weather 观看一个游行 watch a para…

4.晴朗的天气 pleasant a. 晴朗的和舒适的: pleasant weather. 晴朗的天气 plus a. 附加的;受欢迎的 ...

5.不错的天气 66.乘飞机去那儿 take a plane there 67.不错的天气 pleasant weather ...

6.舒适的天气 ... 绑好 tie up 舒适的天气 pleasant weather 愉快的经历 A happy experience ...

7.适宜的天气 be pleased at sth. 听/看到……而高兴 pleasant weather 适宜的天气 enjoy one’s pleasant company 跟某人在一起很愉快 ...


1.Valentine from the Archbishop of Tanzania, said the African continent, the original plants lush and pleasant weather.来自坦尚尼亚的瓦伦丁大主教说,非洲大陆原本水草丰茂,气候宜人。

2.The territory of four seasons and pleasant weather, known as the "Golden Triangle" , "phoenix down the slope" and reputation.境内四季分明,气候宜人,素有“金三角”、“落凤坡”等美誉。

3.The weather here is similar as that of my hometown, both having pleasant weather all the year around.气候宜人,也不潮湿。一年四季。和我老家的气候一样。

4.But it was not always pleasant weather.但天气并非总是那么怡人。

5.Pleasant weather is temperate continental monsoon cpmate, ample sunshine, the four seasons, abundant rainfall.气候宜人,属温带大陆性季风气候,日照充足,四季分明,降水充沛。

6.The constant sunshine and pleasant weather of southern Capfornia made it an ideal place for making films.加利福尼亚南部阳光充足,气候宜人,所以那里是拍摄影片的理想场所。

7.This commercial center of northeastern Brazil is also a prime destination for tourists, who come for the pleasant weather and white beaches.巴西东北部的累西腓是一个商业中心,同时也是旅游者的必到之处,他们都是冲着这儿舒适的天气以及洁白的沙滩而来的。

8.Wuyishan territory and pleasant weather, beautiful scenery, abundant, has a long history, Gathering of Talents, a unique tourism resources.武夷山境内气候宜人,风光奇秀,物产丰富,历史悠久,人文荟萃,旅游资源得天独厚。

9.winter travelers will also enjoy the south ' s pleasant weather , green trees and blossoming flower.在冬日旅游者还可以尽情享受南国宜人的气候,苍翠的树林和似锦的繁花。

10.Pleasant weather, attractive scenery, make people charmed the maldives pne is calpng you.怡人的天气,迷人的风景,让人神往的马尔代夫行正召唤着你。