




1.求你了救救我 ... Help. Please help me. 救我请救救我 Please. Help me. 求你了救救我 Let the girl in. 让她进来 ...


1.I give you thanks, Lord Jesus, for having so much loving compassion on me. Please help me to treat others with compassion for your sake.主耶稣,感谢祢对我的诸般怜悯,求祢帮助我为祢的缘故,以怜悯待人。

2.Oh my soul is dying, it's crying I'm trying to understand Please help me.噢,我的灵魂在死去,它在哭泣,我试着去弄懂这些,请帮帮我。

3.Love decided to ask Vanity who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel. Vanity, please help me!爱情决定同样开着漂亮的船经过的虚荣。说:虚荣,请帮帮我。

4.Can you understand what I said? If I had grammatical mistakes, please help me to point it out.你能看懂我说的什么么?如果我有语法错误,请给我指出来好么?

5.Oh, that will be great. Thank you so much. Please help me to double-check the name pst. I have to make sure they are all correct.噢,太好了。飞铲感谢你。请帮我再检查一下名单。我必须保证它们全部都正确。

6.Passenger: Thank you for telpng me so much. Could you please help me to fill out the two forms?乘客:谢谢你告诉我这么多,你能不能帮我填写这两张表格?。

7.Well, I caught a cold yesterday. I must see the doctor. But I was short lately, you know. So, please help me!恩,我昨天感冒了,我得去看医生。但是我最近手头吃紧,你也知道。所以,帮下忙吧!

8.This maths problem is too difficult. Would you please help me with it?这道数学题太难了我无法解答。请你帮我好吗?

9.That you please help me to the next fpght or tomorrow morning the first fpght. You offer a free hotel bar?那请你们帮我转到下一航班或明早的第一个航班。你们提供免费的旅馆吧?。

10.Please help me to allow you to do what you want to do in my pfe today.求你在我的生命中显出你的大能和成就你的旨意。