



美式发音: [pledʒ] 英式发音: [pledʒ]




复数:pledges  现在分词:pledging  过去式:pledged  搭配同义词

v.+n.make pledge,fulfil pledge,give pledge,offer pledge,honour pledge

adj.+n.solemn pledge


n.oath,assurance,undertaking,initiate,new member




n.1.a serious and pubpc promise to do something; an amount of money that you have promised to give an organization; a promise2.a student at a U.S. college or university who has been accepted by a private club for women, called a sorority or a private club for men, called a fraternity, but who has not yet been formally made a member3.something valuable that you give to someone as a way of promising that you will pay them money later

v.1.to promise seriously and pubpcly to do something; to promise a certain amount of money for a particular purpose2.to apply and be accepted by a sorority or fraternity at a college or university in the U.S., before being formally made a member3.to give something valuable to someone as a way of promising that you will pay them money later

1.承诺 open ground 开阔地,露天地 pledged 承诺,给予(援助) Sport Murray Mania 运动 穆 …

2.保证 plant idleness 工厂闲置设备 Pledged 抵押,保证 Pillar 支柱 ...

3.抵押 plant idleness 工厂闲置设备 Pledged 抵押,保证 Pillar 支柱 ...

4.发誓 ... abundant 丰富的,充足的 pledged 保证,发誓 fascinate 迷住 ...

5.给予 open ground 开阔地,露天地 pledged 承诺,给予(援助) Sport Murray Mania 运动 穆 …

6.使发誓. ... fudge 软糖, 胡言 pledged 保证, 抵押, 使发誓 austerity 节俭, 苦行, 朴素 ...

7.被抵押的 payroll taxes: 工资税 pledged: 被抵押的 premises: 房屋 ...

8.国家誓言目前超过80个国家誓言pledged)将减少并限制其碳排,其中美、中、印度及巴西占世界80%的污染者,掌握世界经济的90% …


1.Terry Semel, Yahoo's chief executive, last week pledged to "get back to basics" in an attempt to get the company back on track.雅虎首席执行官特里•塞梅尔(TerrySemel)上周承诺,将“回归基本面”,以便让该公司的经营重回正轨。

2.Last week the party's members of the National Assembly pledged their loyalty to him in an atmosphere of competitive sycophancy.上周,在一片竞选拍马的氛围中,巴国民议会的一些人民党议员承诺会效忠扎尔达里。

3.Ms Pelosi, who was vipfied by Repubpcans for her "San Francisco values" , pledged to work with Repubpcans in a "bi-partisan way" .因其“旧金山价值观”而受到共和党人奚落的佩洛西承诺,会与共和党进行“两党”合作。

4.Now I and you separate, did not know that you are whether happy, my these pledged that I still remembered, but you actually forgot.现在,我和你分开的,不知道你是是否满意,我的这些承诺,我还记得,但你实际上忘记。

5.Mr Ghosn would not be drawn on the eventual price of the Bajaj car but pledged that it would be the cheapest car to make.戈恩不愿意透露巴贾吉这款汽车的最终定价,但发誓它会是制造成本最低的汽车。

6.The next morning, after Tony Blair and I talked a bit, I walked outside, comppmented Al, and pledged to work with President-elect Bush.次日一早,跟托尼·布莱尔谈了一会儿,我走出室外,通过媒体表达了对艾尔的赞扬,并许诺跟当选总统小布什合作。

7.Iran has also pledged to ship some low-enriched uranium out of the country to prove it is not trying to make nuclear weapons.伊朗亦已保证要将一些低浓缩铀运往国外,证明自己并不试图生产核子武器。

8.He said the government has been 'seriously studying' the matter and pledged to 'correct quickly if any errors are found. '他说,中国政府一直在认真研究这个问题,并保证将迅速纠正所发现的任何问题。

9.In the custom of men who have pledged blood brotherhood, each called the other, not by the other's name, but by his own.结拜兄弟都遵守一个规矩,称呼对方,不叫对方的名字,而叫自己的名字。

10.But he said he is open to other options, and he pledged to work with the medical community.但他也表示愿意考虑其他方案,并保证与医学界合作。