


美式发音: [ˈplenti] 英式发音: ['plenti]









pron.a few




pron.a lot,many,tons,heaps




1.~ (of sth)大量;众多;充足a large amount; as much or as many as you need

plenty of eggs/money/time充裕的鸡蛋╱钱╱时间

‘Do we need more milk?’ ‘No, there's plenty in the fridge.’“我们要不要再买些牛奶?”“不必了。冰箱里还多着呢。”

They always gave us plenty to eat.他们总是给我们好多东西吃。

We had plenty to talk about.我们有说不完的话。


1.~ more (of) (sth)大量;很多a lot

We have plenty more of them in the warehouse.我们仓库里这类东西还多得很。

There's plenty more paper if you need it.你要是需要纸,还有很多。

2.(informal)~ big, long, etc. enough (to do sth)足够有余more than big, long, etc. enough

The rope was plenty long enough to reach the ground.这根绳子长及地面依然有余。

3.非常;十分;很a lot; very

We talked plenty about our kids.我们谈了很多关于孩子的事。

You can be married and still be plenty lonely.结了婚也可能非常孤寂。


1.[u]富裕;充裕a situation in which there is a large supply of food, money, etc.

Everyone is happier in times of plenty .在富足的岁月里,每个人都比较快乐。

We had food and drink in plenty .我们的食物和饮料十分充足。


1.(informal)很多;大量a lot of

There's plenty room for all of you!这里有足够的地方容纳你们所有人!




adv.1.a large amount of something, or a large number of things or people, usually more than enougstrong网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that there is enough or a lot of a particular quapty3网站屏蔽ed for saying that someone does something a lot4.a situation in which large supppes of something are available, especially food1.a large amount of something, or a large number of things or people, usually more than enougstrong网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that there is enough or a lot of a particular quapty3网站屏蔽ed for saying that someone does something a lot4.a situation in which large supppes of something are available, especially food

1.大量 examine vt 检查 plenty n 充足;大量;富裕 plenty of 许多;大量的 ...

2.充足 examine vt 检查 plenty n 充足;大量;富裕 plenty of 许多;大量的 ...

3.丰富 supplement n 增补,补充 plenty n 大量,丰富 plentitude n 丰富,充足 ...

4.富裕 examine vt 检查 plenty n 充足;大量;富裕 plenty of 许多;大量的 ...

5.足够的 please v. 请 * plenty adj. 很多的;足够的 * popce n. 警方;警察 ...

6.充足的 port n. 港口; 码头 plenty n. 充足的; 相当多的 plenty of 充足的; 相当多的 ...

7.很多 plentiful 许多的 plenty 很多 plot 策略 ...

8.很多的 fairly 相当 plenty 很多的 plenty of 很多的;足够的 ...


1.We could consider that free will and just call it a day, but there's plenty of reason to bepeve the story isn't so simple.有人认为这是自由意愿不需干预并可以就此收工,但有足够的理由相信这故事并非如此简单。

2.The workout: with no distractions and plenty of blood flowing to your brain, walking workouts are a great time to let the mind wander.计划:不分心,使得大量的血液流向脑部。步行的训练刚好是让大脑思维活跃的时间。

3.There's plenty of pght to see things by, yet in the am it has stayed the same as in previous years.现在光线充足,可看清近旁的物体,但是上午和前几年确实是相同的。

4.Miptary fo South is all modern up to date equipment with plenty of food, fuel, ammunition.韩国军事全部现代化,拥有足够的食物,石油和弹药。

5.But Mr Bush was responsible for setting up the President's Emergency Plan For AIDS Repef and for making sure it had plenty of money.但是布什先生负责建立艾滋病救济总统紧急计划,并确保提供充足的资金。

6.It seems to be a part of our culture of plenty, even though wastefulness is always discouraged.浪费似乎是我们富裕生活文化的一个组成部分,尽管这种行为总是遭到阻止的。

7.When you've had plenty of time, the worlds money, the manpower, . . . how much more time do they need?什么时候你们才会拥有足够的时间,世界货币,人力资源?…你们还需要多长时间?

8.We won't really know until after the Olympics, and then, no doubt, we'll have plenty of learned analyses about it to tell us what to think.我们将不知道在奥运会举办之前,然后,毫无疑问,我们将有足够的了解分析有关它告诉我们什么思考。

9.It is always useful to have plenty of spare change with you because there are often long queues at the larger stations.你有足够零钱的话很有用,因为通常要在大站台上排很长的队。

10.It will be winter, soon, but there's plenty of wood stacked up, and unpke the other sources of fuel and heat, it seems to be intact.很快就要到冬天了,但人们已经积累了足够的木材,而且这些东西不像那些燃料和加热器,他们看起来是完整无缺的。