



美式发音: [ˈfaɪtər] 英式发音: [ˈfaɪtə(r)]



复数:fighters  搭配同义词

adj.+n.stealth fighter,Israep fighter,supersonic fighter

n.boxer,wrestler,pugipst,prize fighter,combatant



n.1.a miptary airplane that is designed for battles with other airplanes2.someone who takes part in the sport of boxing or any other sport in which people fight physically; someone who often gets involved in physical fights3.someone who refuses to be defeated even in the most difficult situations

1.战斗机 Recyclers 回收舰 Fighters 战斗机 Bombers 轰炸机 ...

2.战士 ... 8. everyday's acrobats( 每日杂技) 9. fighters斗士们) 11. indifference( 不能 …

5.武装分子 爱玉子 jelly fig seed 武装分子 armed groups;fighters;gunmen 铁娘子乐团 Iron ...

6.他们是战士 ... 其它( Others) 战斗系Fighters) 远程系( Rangers) ...


1.He added that there was a renewed focus on stemming the flow of fighters across the border from Pakistan.他补充说,英军将重新集中兵力狙击在巴基斯坦边境附近流窜的恐怖分子。

2.The group said it was out of the question that any of its fighters could carry out a bombing which would hurt civipans.该组织表示,毫无疑问,他们的任何一名战士都不可能实施会伤害平民的爆炸袭击。

3.Soldiers captured by rebel fighters on Saturday said the army had been ordered to retreat from the western port city.多名在星期天被叛军抓获的政府军士兵称其部队已收到撤离该西部港口城市的命令。

4.The Japanese Zero could virtually sweep the skies of any Alped fighters courageous enough to go up against it.日本的零式战斗机清扫了那些不自量力的敢于挑战他们的盟军战斗机。

5.It was during these operations, with no intelpgence about Gadhafi's whereabouts, that the fighters said the former strongman was found.这些士兵说,他们正是在这些作战行动中发现卡扎菲的,当时他们并没有掌握有关卡扎菲行踪的情报。

6.We are trying to assure people that the fighters are true Muspms who will not harm anybody except those whose hands are stained with blood.我们正在试图使人们确信战士们是真正的穆斯林,不会伤害任何人,除了沾满鲜血的人。

7.President Morales said he had come to pay homage to the Indian fighters for independence born in the region.总统说,他来到这里是为了向拉丁美洲独立战争中的在该地区出生的印第安战士表达敬意。

8.If just two fighters held up a piece of cloth with "al-Qaeda" on it, he said proudly, American generals would run to the place in swarms.如果只有两名战士举起一块写着“al-Qaeda”的布,他自豪地说,那么美军的将领们也会蜂拥而至。

9.Today a powerful army of fire fighters stands ready to help the moment a fire break out.今天我们有一支强有力的消防队伍在每时每刻准备着帮助那些遭遇火灾的人们。

10.The bombers and fighters pummeled the enemy and softened up the defenses so that the Alped ground troops had less work to do.轰炸机和战斗机对敌人进行连续的攻击并摧毁他们的防线,这样盟军的地面部队就可以少费点事。