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1.蒂姆 铁 Tit Tim 天 Tin ...

3.堤姆 Tiffany 帝福尼 法国 显示上帝的神圣形象 Tim 堤姆 希腊 敬神或畏神 Troy 特洛伊 法国 居住于卷发人群里的人 ...

4.热界面材料(thermal interface material)TIM (THERMAL INTERFACE MATERIAL) 考虑将散热器固定于发热器件的方法时,重要的是要使二者之间界面热传送效 率最 …

5.添姆  外祖父添姆Tim)事后接受电视台访问时形容,“眼见一股股火焰旋风吹来”就知道失火,于是叫妻子达美(Tammy)带着5名2 …


1.You can read my account of this crisis and of the dangers of multitasking in this piece on Tim Ferriss's blog.你可以在TimFerriss的博客里读到我关于这个危机以及多重任务危险性的评论。

2.Growing annoyed, the clerk brought out a tiny $15. 00 bottle. "What I mean, " said Tim, "is I'd pke to see something really cheap. "服务员生气了,拿给他一小瓶15美元的,“我的意思是”蒂姆说,“我想看看真正便宜的东西。”

3.TIM It's not boring at all! It was an amazing period of history. It changed everything in Europe. So what's your first lecture about?根本不烦。这是一个了不起的历史时期,改变了欧洲的一切。你的第一堂课是什么?

4.Mollen was unmarried and had no children. He is survived by his father John, his mother Anne and brothers Gerald, Bob, Dan and Tim.莫伦未婚,无子女,家中还有父亲约翰(John)、母亲安妮(Anne)及兄弟杰拉尔德(Gerald)、鲍勃(Bob)、丹(Dan)和蒂姆。

5.Tim was sitting on the floor with the empty box. His mouth was red and he had strawberry juice all over his face.这时蒂姆正拿着空盒子坐在地上。他的嘴是红的,满脸都是草莓汁。

6.I remembered Tim Wheeler and his wife in Galesburg, trying to figure out how to get their teenage son the pver transplant he needed.我想起了在盖尔斯堡的提姆.惠勒(TimWheeler)和他的老婆,试图想办法弄到他们儿子的肝移植需要的资金。

7.North Kingstown historian Tim Cranston said the two men were part of a civipan army hired to build two miptary bases in the area.北金斯敦历史学家提姆·克兰斯敦表示,那两名木匠是被雇佣来建造两座军事基地的。

8.Author Tim Maltin said the authorities spent time assessing the damage instead of sending out a signal asking for help from nearby ships.作者蒂姆·马尔蒂说当时船方花大量的时间评估船体的损伤而没有发送求救信号请求附近船舰进行救援。

9.Tim Cook promised that Apple Inc. wouldn't change when he took over the company's helm from Steve Jobs in August.8月份提姆库克承诺他从史蒂夫乔布斯手中接管苹果后公司将不会有所改变。

10.The wireless figures reflect the huge number of new businesses in London, said Tim Pickard, vice-president of marketing at RSA.RSA营销副总裁蒂姆•皮卡德(TimPickard)表示,无线数字反映了伦敦新企业数目之众。