






5.锠钢湾锠钢PLT)圆形连接器;美国(3M)连接器;日本莫莱克斯(MOLEX)连接器;日本本多(HONDA)连接器;日本欧姆龙 (…

6.专利法条约(Patent Law Treaty)  14.《专利法条约》(PLT),2000年缔结,缔约方总数为9个国家,将在10个国家向总干事交存批准书或加入书三个月后生效 …

7.血小板记数一般选血小板记数Plt)和出血时间(BT)作为筛选试验。 二、二期止血缺陷的检测项目选择


1.As each function is called, its entry in the PLT is simppfied into a direct jump to the loaded function.当每个函数被调用时,它的PLT中的条目就会被简化为一个到那个已加载函数的直接跳转。

2.Similarly, much of the best research on PLT is being conducted at the Bank of Canada.同样,对于价格水平定位的多数最有成就的研究也都是在加拿大银行进行的。

3.The Delegation said that sub paragraph (g) was picked up in the Standing Committee on the Patent Law Treaty (PLT).巴西代表团说,(g)小段是专利法条约常设委员会专门挑选的。

4.The AutoCAD software does not support files saved as PLT file, however a PLT file can be generated by printer export.AutoCAD软件不支持另存为PLT文件,PLT文件是由打印输出生成的。

5.from the test of leakage current , plt ( x ) thin films showed good insulating property as well.在薄膜的漏电性质方面,实验结果显示,掺镧可以降低薄膜的漏电流。

6.The anti-coagulation therapy should be early administrated after devascularization operation (before the PLT level higher than normal).抗凝药物应在术后早期(PLT超过正常前)使用。

7.Objective To compare the efficiency of plateletpheresis with a standard chamber A - 35 and an improved collection device PLT - 30.目的比较在机采血小板中使用标准A-35收集夹和PLT-30收集夹血小板的采集效果。

8.A day or two later, they took the 2nd plt from each company, and we moved to the airfield to guard the cease-fire talks.一至两天后,他们抽调了各连的二排,我们被派往机场为停火谈判提供警卫。

9.Conclusions High HBV DNA level in patients with decompensated pver cirrhosis of hepatitis B may have effect on the decrease of PLT.结论乙型肝炎肝硬化失代偿期患者高载量HBVDNA对血小板参数降低有一定的影响。

10.Conclusions the PLT increase level of children is much higher than adults, which should be of serious consideration.结论小儿的血小板升高水平在疾病状态下比成人有明显升高,应当引起注意。