


美式发音: [ˈsensəri] 英式发音: ['sensəri]





adj.+n.sensory nerve





1.感觉的;感官的connected with your physical senses

sensory organs感觉器官

sensory deprivation感觉丧失



adj.1.relating to the senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch

1.感觉的 sensibipty n 敏感性;感情 sensory a 感觉的,知觉的 sentimental a 多感情的;感伤的 ...

2.感官的 sensor n. 传感器 sensory adj. 感觉的, 感官的 sensus n. 感觉 34 ...

3.知觉的 sensibipty n 敏感性;感情 sensory a 感觉的,知觉的 sentimental a 多感情的;感伤的 ...

4.知觉器官的 ... sensitive a 敏感的,感觉灵敏的 sensory a 感觉(上)的;感官的;知觉器官的 sentimental a 多愁善感的;感伤 …

5.感觉器官的 semen n. 精液;精子 sensory adj. 感觉的;感觉器官的 sever v. 切断;割 …


1.The size of the body's parts show how much of the brain is dedicated to processing the sensory information from each body part.所以身体各部位尺寸的大小可以反应用于处理该部位感觉信息所需要大脑的多少。

2.This was the first time such a comprehensive spatial samppng of an animal's sensory pathway had ever been performed.那是头一回有人在一只动物的感觉路径中,进行如此完整的空间取样;

3.The aim of a chef's work, he said, should be to make people happy through the multi-sensory experience of eating.他说,厨师的终极目的就是发扬吃的多层次的感觉经验,去使得大众更加欢愉。

4.Cerebral palsy is often associated with impaired intellectual function, sensory deficits, behavioral disorders and seizures.脑瘫同时伴有智力低下、感觉丧失、运动失调或者不足等症状。

5.In our example, the child's sense of curiosity kicks in and he rushes to the dog to get more sensory experience.在例子中,小孩产生了好奇感,他向狗冲去,想要更多的体验。

6.He had a whole discussion about these kinds of problems, but the point was he said in the end, the sensory base of knowledge is inadequate.他有一个对整个讨论这类问题,但问题是他最后说,基础知识是不够的感觉。

7.Is all this superficial sensory perception or awareness quite clear?所有这些浅层的感官觉知或者说觉察都清楚了吗?

8.Our sensory experience of the world originates in the interior sensation of the mouth, and the world tends to return to its oral origins.我们对感官体验的世界源自于嘴巴。而这个世界【theworld难译】倾向于回到它的味觉器官。

9.Mollusks have to divide antennae, eyes, and the balance for the seizure of olfactory capsule, and other sensory organ, I feel sensitive.软体动物已分化出触角、眼、嗅检器及平衡囊等感觉器官,感觉灵敏。

10.I also was struck by how much overlap exists between the sensory repertoires of single-origin chocolates and single-origin coffees.同一原产地的巧克力和同一原产地的咖啡带给人们多少相似的感官体验,也令我很沉醉。